part 15

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Yoongi looked at smrik of jungkook's who had completely entered in his house and was making himself like home..jungkook was sitting  with one leg crossed over other .. Yoongi felt his hand trembling with the thought of jungkook doing something worse with him.. taeyung or jimin.. Only the one thing was bothering him... Why he is behind jimin.. Who had nothing to do with this.. If he was here for jimin then definitely he had a plan to get everything out of him... Yoongi close his eyes to make sure jungkook couldn't see how terrified he was ... He couldn't believe jungkook was digging in taeyung past... But why.. Isn't they have a happy married life... He took a two minute to clear his mind...

"So they were jungkook's men kept following me everywhere... Keeping an eye on me... i have feelings he knows everything about me... Ahh.. Yoongi you shouldn't jump to any conclusion without talking to taeyung... He is the only person can give me .. My all the answer's of my questions.. That why jungkook is running behind his past...while they are a power couple of Korea... I have to handle this situation with smartness...i don't let jungkook angry with me.. If he doesn't let me come to his party... This party is important for me to get close to taeyung... Calm down yoongi play smart... "he clear his throat and walk near to jimin... Jimin was still standing behind the couch watching him with confusion and scared... Jimin's mind was still on the fact that his husband has seen him in the arms of another men...and on top of that...his boss... However jimin didn't realize that it wasn't his fault and he had no idea what was going on around him... His mind was stuck on only one thing that why jungkook had to come into his life..

"Why is my fate playing this game with me when my life is already very difficult.. i trust yoon so much... No stranger's word can break my trust in my husband... "he looked up from ground when yoongi came and stood in front of him... Yoongi smile at him... A smile that told jimin that his husband still believed in him...

"Forgive me minie.. I said to much but I got very angry.. When i saw you in someone else arm's... i know that you will never break my trust.. "yoongi wipe his tears from his pink blushed cheeks... Then he gave jungkook a challenging smirk and kissed Jimin's both cheeks...

This love from yoongi make jimin forgot about jungkook words.. Because he trust blindly on yoongi.. He knows his love him more than anyone... It was yoongi and his mother who willingly brought marrige perposel to his house...

"Ahh minie i have something to talk with mr jeon.. can you please give us something to drink... i think coffee will work... And don't cry.. "yoongi kissed Jimin's forhead once again... Jimin nodded his head feelings shy and went to kitchen for make a delicious coffee for them...

But  he didn't know someone in the living room felt so much hurt when he didn't spare him a one glance..

"You are so innocent cutie pie..
You don't know this world never allowed innocent person to see good or bad... Like how you trushed your husband so easily.. "jungkook said looking at direction of where jimin left...

"Mr jeon i want to know why are you after my wife... Jimin has nothing to do with this.. Please don't ever come here again.. i respect you so much.. But when it's come to my wife ..i will not respect anyone.. "jungkook change his position and opened his coat buttons.. Before a smirk form on the corner of his lip's.. He stare at yoongi with his intimidated gaze...

"Taeyung...a bright light in my dark life a person i fell in love with him in college.. Asked his hand from his dad... i gave him all the right of life... Just to know that my wife loves someone else... "jungkook smile at him.. Clenching his jaw.. He stood up from his seat and stand in front of window...

"I have doubt.. No I'm sure that person is you.. You both love poetry nights.. His laughter disappeare whenever i mentioned your name in front of him.. "jungkook stare into the beautiful garden...which was destroyed by him last night... He put his hand on window admiring a particular flower.. Beautiful like him.. Yoongi gulp on his word's.. Getting so much scared inside...

"i want you to tell me everything about you and taeyung before i take something precious from you... "yoongi followed jungkook burning gaze fix on Jimin's who was doing his work with pleasant smile...

"Come to the party at evening... don't forget to take your wife ... For now I'm leaving you .. Because i don't have any proof .. But when i get it .. You will see consequences for laid your eyes on my queen ... "yoongi scoff hearing jungkook.. He is not scared of anything or anyone.. He need to have a conversations with him.. If taeyung will said him to move on from he will gladly do...

"I will surely come on time with my minnie mr jeon jungkook

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"I will surely come on time with my minnie mr jeon jungkook..! Yoongi said smirking...

Jungkook come near his ear and whisper... "remember that mr min.. if i come to know...i jeon jungkook will kill you with my own hands in front of your wife... "yoongi froze on his spot... Jungkook is challenging him.. He have to be careful with his meetings plans with taeyung... Jungkook back away from him.. And looked at Jimin's... Before apporching him in kitchen.. Who froze on spot seeing jungkook coming towards him... He come face to face with jimins.. Looked at his face... Then smirk towards yoongi...

"See you in the party cutie pie..! Jungkook kissed his cheek and forehead... Jimin stare in his eyes impressed by his bold personality... His cheeks tented with pink colour under jungkook's gaze...

"i want you to get dressed for me tonight... Because i am going to take you somewhere you will love...

                           End 💜💜
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