part 16

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Yoongi kept looking at jungkook's every action's.. But he can't do anything.. Not now... He had become helpless infornt of the great mafia king jeon jungkook he was nothing in front of him while half of Korea is in his grasp... He just stood there he kissed his wife in his house... He fist his hand ready to punch him on his face.. But halt his steps when he saw blank gun tucked in his belt from back side of his pant's and jungkook pat his gun.. With a playfully smirk... As if he is saying.. You took even one step you gone...

Yoongi close his eyes in pure frustrated from jungkook this daring behavior...

"So my wife is also enjoying his attention and affection... Wow.. So who am i to stand here anyway.. Why am i not jealous...i am just a little angry that jungkook is in my house and accused me... "he glanced at flustered and shy jimin..." now pretending to be innocent jimin.. After subduing most powerful man in Korea.. "he flinched when his phone rang in his pocket.. And brutly turn around checking his phone and wide smile creeped on his face... He hurriedly pick his call up...

"man.. Yoongi i have a good news for you.. that will change your life in good way... "yoongi smirk looking at jungkook back... And chirp happliy before...

"I'm coming to the same place where we always meet.. Yoongi cut the call and put his shoes on and run outside in hurry....

Leaving jungkook and jimin alone in his house...

" you don't have be sad.. i am here not going anywhere... Jimin close his teary eyes... And stare at breakfast on dining table.. Thinking if jungkook hadn't come...he and yoongi would have been having their breakfast comfortablely with lovely talks...

"Are you that dumb or pretending to be.. My husband knows about you being here last night.. And what was that.. Huh... Who the hell are you.. I'm not scared of you... Just get the hell out of my life.. Ahh... "jimin shout out on him and in a Swift moment he cried out from pain... Because jungkook get angry and twisted his arm behind his back...

"It seems that you are not able to digest that I'm talking to you so made a big mistake by yelling at me baby doll.. "no one dares to shout on him including his taeyung... And here he is lowering his ego only for sake of that beautiful angel... He was shaking from anger... Still he needs to suppress his anger for a scared jimin.. so He kissed Jimin's neck softly not to hurt his beautiful moon like skin... "you don't know the real jeon jungkook... Who is no less than a dangerous animal... "jimin was crying softly and trying to free his wrist from death grip of angry jungkook... "if i wanted i could pick you up and take you away right now... But i wouldn't because you... Jimin stopped wiggling in jungkook's arm's and turend his head back to look into jungkook eye's and did something that his heart said after seeing jungkook state... Jimin closed his teary eyes and kissed jungkook on his lip's.. A small comforting peck... And make eye contact with jungkook before saying...

"Y.. you are n.. not d.. dangerous... A.. at least not for me.. Jungkook dark angry eyes filled with love and softness for beautiful tiny angel in his arms... What is happening to me i should stay away from married man but here i am getting more and more attracted towards him... And what about his wife..he must be in love with him too, right...

"Can i ask you something cutie pie.. Jungkook slowly released his wrist...and saw his skin get red with his grip....he hold his wrist bringing near his lip's and kiss it gently... Jimin let out sweet sigh nodding his head...

" Does your husband love you.. "jimin back away from jungkook reach hiding his tears which was about to fall... Answer is no right... Jungkook said in deep voice getting close to jimin...

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