part 62

365 34 3

“What do you want now, can't you leave him alone, he has nothing to do with you, because he isn't living in your house anymore, so stop spying on his happy married life.. As soon as taeyung attended the call, he brust out his frustrations on her, she is the culprit who manipulate him. Because this woman couldn't stand seeing jimin happy in his life.. And also taeyung fell into her trap and result he upset his loved ones who cared for him dearly...

“Oh please taeyungshii don't take his name in front of me, he is real life witch just sitting on my head even he is not in my house..i just stated some facts my dear nephew.. But I enjoyed when you insult him.. Now you must be wondering how come i know because you forgot to hang up the call.. Taeyung rolled his eyes on her false remarks, its just her jealously that was making her do things.. She has black heart, this woman can't be someone's something never ever even in the someones precious dream..

And her clear target have always been jimin...

But not now he is not going to listen to her shits talks...

“just shut your shits talks park diana otherwise its not going to end up in good terms, don't you receive your husband injured half dead body, so take my advice and stop right there if you don't want jungkook to come here to give you lesson you will never going to forget your entire life.. Taeyung laughed mockingly when he heard nothing from other line, only a sound of unstable breathing of park diana.. She was processing the information she just got from tae..

“j-ju.. jung.. Jungkook ha..have l..left my h..husband s..such a c..condition” she felt her throat is burning badly from the lack of water.. She couldn't even form a words without shuttering because She has no idea that his husband conditions was bad because of jungkook...she doesn't forget the morring when black car stopped in front of her house and they dropped Mr parks badly injured body with a letter. then it clicked her that day she got into the panic she hadn't read the letter, she almost forgot being busy taking care of mr park she ran to her room and fumbling with some documents placed on the study table of mr park and finally she got the letter.. Black colour envelope..

And she hurriedly open the paper and started to read loudly..

As the letter says.. “A gift from your son-in-law my dear foster mother-in-law... It's for hurting my precious wife.. And I'm leaving you with that because he doesn't want me to hurt anyone, so get my one advice in head don't ever try to hurt my precious wife otherwise your head and my gun...

Jeon jungkook...

“He hurt mr park, beat him to death” taeyung giggle when he heard a beep sound..that's mean she hang up the call...

“She learn her lesson...she is terrible women..



"You don't have to give him a chance, you can't always forgive him what he do yoongi.. Yoongi didn't said anything nor he turns to her. He just stare at the wall of her room maybe found it interesting.. He himself was fighting with his thoughts whether he should forgive taeyung or not..

"He is like a innocent child, you herself said that mom and now you are manipulating me against him.. I don't think so he did something unforgivable mom.. He just have some anger issues if someone said something to his precious ones its in his nature he got angry easily.. Over all my wifey is angel.. She rolled her eyes, she never had something against taeyung.. But she couldn't get herself to forget what he said to jimin.. Also the fact that he wants her to support him..

"Then where is your angel, why he didn't came to explain himself. You just become a love sick puppy yoon.. You go happily forgive him but I am not going to forgive him so easily after all i am his mother-in-law Now I will show him what a real mother-in-law..

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