part 54..

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At jungkook's penthouse..

Time.. 8:00 Am...

Jungkook was busy in humming his favourite song, because why not he is happy, so much happy to take jimin to his mansion Seoul, he couldn't believe he get jimin the most beautiful boy in entire universe, jimin is his, in every way, by soul, heart and body, they become like inseparable souls bound in two different bodies, but still they knew they has become one and proof of that is in Jimin's womb, their sign of love which was unexpected for them... They never look behind once and now they are free to be in each others arms...and they can't live without each other...

Jungkook was standing in front of mirror while styling his hair after bath, he wore a black shirt with jeans, his tight black shirt was perfectly tucked inside his jeans as the formal tight outfit was almost showing off his well toned figure and making him look more attractive and hot.. Jungkook done styling his hairs and then his eyes fell on his jimin who was sleeping so soundly in jungkook's big shirt which jungkook had made him wear after their playful bath last night... He loved how his shirt covered his entire delicate femmine form.. Then rembered their cute debate on the baby's gender...and how they finally said after an hour that they want both a girl and boy...they wants twins...

"Lets go jk it's time to wake your prengnet wife up..! Jungkook melted at the sight of Jimin's pouting lips...then his gaze fell on his rosy red feets peeking out of the blanket...which made his heart skip a beat at the sight of Jimin's blushy body want to worship his queen's goddess like body again.. But he scolded his heart because this isn't the time to get he pushed his all wild thoughts away as he make his way to wake his baby doll up from his beauty sleep...

"Get up my baby doll. You have to take your morning medicine.. Jungkook kissed his little feets as he couldn't control himself from giving Jimin's cute pink feets a loving kiss.. And sat down near his head to wake him up.. "Jimin, minnie, cutie pie. Jungkook started patting his head softly as if he wasn't waking him up but rather putting him to sleep, later calling some cute names jungkook noticed that jimin wasn't awake so he leaned in close his face and begin to planting kisses all over his face, causing jimin to groan in his sleep, as jimin slowly starts to wake up by opening his eyes and smiled at the sight of his handsome husband waking him up with pampering kisses..

"A very beautiful morning my princess jeon jimin..! Jungkook kissed his forehead greetings him as jimin make grabby hands towards jungkook to take him into his arms.. So jungkook scoop jimin up from bed and settled him on his lap..

The morning glory of Jimin's beauty was taking his breath away as his arms circles around his Petite waist making their chest touches... His mind was occupied with beauty of Jimin's small delicate femmine figure and his face that didn't notice how lovingly jimin kissed his cheek...

"A very beautiful morning to you too, my prince jeon jungkook.. Jimin dipped his face into jungkook chest giving him quick peck on his lip's.. And jungkook laugh kissing his head and ask..

"How was your sleep, did you go for a walk in your dreamland, In simple words did you see any dream..! Jimin smiles, rubbing his eyes cutely with his fists, waking himself up from his remaining sleep as he looked up from jungkooks chest..he looks so cute in jungkook's eyes who kissed his button nose softly.
Jimin giggle loudly, making the room turned into heaven for jungkook as his angelic voice make his morning beautiful.. He rubbed his nose against Jimin's and both peck each other lips deeply as jimin spoke... "I had a very beautiful dream, where i gave birth to twins and you were so happy that you didn't let them go away you even for a second.. And the best part is that it was my morring dream because people say that morring dreams come true and I'm pretty sure that we are going to be a parents of twins.. Jimin whispered as he didn't want the walls to hear his dream, as now his delicate heart was only praying to god to bless him with twins, his excitement was on cloud nine after the dream as now his life was about to change completely because he was going to be a mother very soon... This would going to be a difficult journey for him nurturing an innocent life in his womb..

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