part 10

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Jungkook was driving to kim mansion in full speed.. More like flying his car's... He dont wants to get attacked by so many questions from his father in law... And for worse... He knows where jungkook was... In low class area... A poor society... He too don't want to encounter with some middle class but after meeting someone... His propestive changed only for him.. He didn't plan to visit min jimin.. He has a full proof plan... So this was unexpected for him... First he wanted this to hear from teayung...

 First he wanted this to hear from teayung

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"why you messed up with my heart ahh.. Why would I stop thinking about you..! Jungkook took a forest direction...for Kim's mansion... He looked around in amazement with a choice of place for live... All the rooths are filled with trees... Peaceful environment... All green... Beautiful harmless creature were talking with each other in their language... He slowed his car when kim mansion come in view... He grinned at the name of that forset area... Kim's traitory..

His car's entered in mansion gate opened by guard's.... He put his foot down from car getting into his tough seft... Everyone bow at him once seeing him apporching living room...
He didn't greet them back just get to door and saw his father in law was standing there in not so good mood... So he bowed slightly

"how was your meeting with that poor dirty slut..! Mr kim motioned jungkook to stop who was about to come in "what were you doing in that lower class area of deagu.. People are of no use there..! Jungkook took deep breath ruffing his hair...

"Mind your language dad.. I was attacked and My car broke down near that society..! Mr kim nodded his head... Not convinced when he has a proof... He eyed jungkook arm attentionly looking at hair scarf...

"My men's said you were enjoying the fight, weather and spacialy someone very well.. He mocked jungkook smelling him and smrik.. "nice perfume a very sweet one..! He walked in leaving a angry jungkook behind.. Who smell himself ..he was smelling like Jimin's... His scent was lingering on him.. He couldn't stooped his heart to yearn for him...

"what kind of spell you did on me princess..! "he whispered touching Jimin's scarf gently...

"so you run away from there

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"so you run away from there... Why so afraid to face him teayung..! The person in cute night pajamas said to teayung listening his poetry night story...

"i didn't have any options, hobi.. I need to do that... I had to left... Jungkook bodyguard were all around the hall..! Teayung said hugging his best friend dearly..


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Taeyung college friends... Knows about his best friend  secret.. Live in Seoul... He is dancer teacher in Seoul university... Belong from rich family..

Hobi hugged him patting his head softly trying to soothe his friend..

"teayung you need to tell him... He had waited for you.. He have a hope to meet you... That's why he find you.. "he look at hobi in eyes... Hobi is right he was the who tell him to wait until he will be able to tell him why he marry to jungkook in first place..

Then maid come to room and told him his husband has arrived... Hobi give him his bright smile and nod... Teayung slowly let go of hobi who left his room...

After sometime he heard a door opening sound and saw his husband in worse condition... Dirty clothes, bruise face... Injured arm... Jungkook smirk eyeing taeyung's sexy nigh gown... He slowly approch him and peck his forehead...

"l love you jeon teayung..! "he left to freshen up with bright smile...

"Did he slept with someone..! "teayung whispered under his breath...smelling a strawberry sweet scent from jungkook.. He shrugged Going to wardrobe to take jungkook night clothes out ...

Jungkook smirk watching taeyung is waiting for him... So he chooses not to wear anything for tonight... Taeyung look up when he saw jungkook leaning against mirror... Picturing his all night glory...

"so are we ready for tonight..! Jungkook said walking towards bed giving him seductive look... Taeyung heart started to pounding in chest by look in jungkook eyes...

Jungkook kiss taeyung's forehead...who closes his eyes feeling a mixture of emotion... Need for jungkook and guilty towards yoongi... Soon jungkook layed him down slowly undressing him... Both dived into the pleasure forgetting about world...

They made love all night... Their last full passionate love night...

No one slept in mansion's cause of big reception party... The entire worker's of mansion was engaged in preparation of tomorrow...

And secondly mr kim was not feeling right about jungkook meeting with someone as beautiful as taeyung.. Mr kim knows him very Jungkook would not going to leave that beautiful doll... .. After all he is jeon blood.. Jeon's always have a weird obsession for beautiful thing and people...

"i don't want to lose jungkook position... I've worked very hard to gain jungkook trust.. I am not going to let some poor slut to ruin my plan of getting the position of mafia king from jungkook..! "mr kim said looking at jungkook picture with Jimin's... Then tore the picture angrily throwing it in dusbin...

                                End 💜💜
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