part 21

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"oh my god what happened to this electricity.. and taeyung also no where to find... Hobi said carefully walking finding taeyung after the gardens light got off.. He just left taeyung because he was jungkook attending his guest... but everyone is stressing about light's so first he need to find someone to fix this problem..

"oh shit I'm tired why this garden is so big.. my phone also running out of battery.. He was so much busy in babbling to himself that didn't notice someone's is coming to him at the same time and bump into him.. he screamed and was ready to fall on his butt...

Then he realized he was in someone's strong arm's.. who save him falling down so he happily decided to thank him. he turned his phone flash to his face and thought all the oxygen got knock out of his system mesmerize by handsome man whom arm's were wrapped around his waist...

"Are you okay beauty... Where were you running to huh.. hobi lowered his eyes blushing under his firlty gaze.. Wow he is so handsome..he thought in his mind before looking in his eyes...

"i was finding someone to fix this problem... He put his phone a little away from his eyes...

"it's okay let me fix it for you.. Let's go.. He took hobi hand in his hand softly guiding them towards electricity socket...

hobi smile at their locked hand's feeling so many butterflies in his stomach... he was so much happy to at least encounter one of the handsome boy... hobi nevously looking at him.. As if wants to asked him something who broke his thoughts saying..

"hi my name is kai.. Kim jong In.. Nice to meet you beauty.. He said in his deep voice... leaving his hand after reaching to power socket..

"my name is hobi.. Nice to meet you too... Hobi said to kai who was checking every wire...





"what answer you want.. now I'm married you don't have to come after me.. forget about me.. Taeyung said fixing his hairs... His eyes were fix on mirror avoiding eye contact with him... He didn't know yoongi will come behind him..

He felt yoongi soft gaze on him.. But he didn't care about his attention on him.. His main perpose will be to far away from him as much as he can..and side eyeing him who was standing there smriking at him.. So he took a sharp breath and decided to go back to party...

Who was about pass by him who held his hand before pinning him to the wall near mirror..

"Fuck your reason Why you didn't come that day.. But tonight you will be mine... "yoongi smrik to terrified face of taeyung and smashed his lips on him...





"where did you die... what about your work.. Mr kim said sitting on his table... he didn't plan this it's not a part of his plan what happened to lights...he was frustrating with each passing minute not seeing jungkook in darkness... so he called his shooter whom he told to keep his eyes on jungkook...

"I don't know i can't find him anywhere... i was behind the stage he was on gun point then the power got off... So here I'm finding him... Cut the call dont irritate me.. Before mr kim said something to him he cut the call roaming around finding every single corner...





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