part 57

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"Tae... Yoongi called taeyung's name so softly to catch his attention, they were sitting on the stairs of the backdoor of penthouse, and glass door was wide open to let them hear what was happening inside while they were here for good peacful time..yoongi is sat on the first stairs with taeyung's between his legs with his back resting on Yoongi's chest, and he had his chin on yoongi knee and was engrossed in admiring the beautiful forest View in front of them..

"Hmm.. Taeyung's answer eyes closed enjoying the light breeze soothing his face..

"Did something happened before I came to dining area.. Something between you and jimin.. Because I saw running away while crying..taeyung body tensed up, Yoongi's words caught him off guard, he thought no one would have saw him misbehaving with jimin, but here it got more complicated than he thought, yoongi saw jimin, some doubt came to Yoongi's mind which he least want to happen... Taeyung thought yoongi wants to spend some time with him to talk and enjoy their forest place as long as stay here...

"at the breakfast table, mom didn't talk a word when she is talkative person and you kept avoiding my question and eye contact.. What the hell happened tell me.. as far as I know everything was fine in morning.. Taeyung rembered the time at the dinner table, the atmosphere of the dinner table it was very tensed with slience between the three until the end of breakfast. Because no one told yoongi when he asked about jimin, as why they were missing at the dinner table, but taeyung brushed it off saying they want some time alone, and want the breakfast in the bedroom.. Taeyung tired really hard to lie to him to distract him from their topic, but what got him suspicious on taeyung when his eyes caught a crying jimin running away from taeyung, looking  humiliated and hurt.. Taeyung turned around facing him with teary eyes... Yoongi wide his eyes and come to second stair and cupped taeyung face wiping his tears softly.. I didn't say anything to him, yoon, i don't know why your pin of suspicion stopped at me... And For your kind information my dear husband, he and jungkook fought and he came in the kitchen already crying.. I am so dissapointed in you.. You just blame me...yoongi shook his head in denial seeing taeyung's tears rolled down his cheeks ...and he cursed himself for asking taeyung. how could he think like about him without knowing the whole story ...taeyung has a beautiful  heart like a child. he can't say anything so horrible or insulting to anyone and here he wants to make it clear taeyung wasn't the reason behind Jimin's crying... He was about to apologize to him suddenly taeyung cut him off..

"And about your mom, she was upset thinking that she was the reason for  their fight, because she saw them in an intimate position having sex in the morning ... And her excitement got over witnessing the most embarrassing moment of her life,, at least they should have locked the door knowing that everyone is awake and could come calling them anytime... but no, that jungkook had to become horny in the early morning.. Taeyung said everything in one breath pouring his all anger, frustration, irritation in those words by gossiping about them.. Yoongi lauged at his face, and soon he was on the floor pushed by taeyung who had big pout on display showing his how angry he is on yoongi... Yoongi said nothing and decided to prank him so starts his drama.. AHH.. Taeyung i was about to apologize to you but you got your revenge by pushing me.. See my hand was scratched.. Ahh its burning... As how he thought taeyung quickly wiped his tears and came to him with worried frown on his face and took his hand checking his scratch. it actually has scratches... so he blows some air on his hand with sad face... Which yoongi found very cute and pulled him close and captured his lip's in kiss... Wrraped his hands around him closing the distance between them... Yoongi kissed him softly taking sucking on his bottom lip ever so gently teasing him and taeyung took his sign as permission for his tongue to entered into his mouth which he gladly gave opening his mouth and their tongues was about to met when...

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