part 17

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"I didn't know you love your son so much Mr kim... Yonngi broke the hug and look back at the door hearing familer voice... And mr kim smirk towards the him... Who entered in with evil smile... Yoongi confusedly stare at both...

"yoongi.. my friend... we need work together if we want to ruin jeon... Mr kim send him knowing look... And pull chair for himself sitting on it... He checked his watch and then at the best friends.... He observed the hesitation in yoongi... Whe was just stood there and eyes fixing on ring on his hand...

"what are you saying kai.. i am not doing it.. He is so inoocent... Pure.. He doesn't know the dirty conspiracy of bussiness world... I'm not going to use him to get taeyung.. Also i think he have something for jeon... He usually didn't talk to any random men... I'm sure he is not going to do this to him... Yoongi said while despratly trying to convince them.. He will do everything to ruin jungkook but his wife... How can he drag jimin into their rivaly.. Jimin is a very bright and beautiful and kind hearted angel...  He can't even think to hurt someone... He doesn't like when people easily get ready to hurt someone for money or to get the one whom they love.. by hurting their loved ones..

"he is your wife... He will do everything if you make him understand with your power.. You know what I'm talking about... Kai said while smriking at mr kim who nodded his head happily.. Kai unlocked his phone and show him something... Yoongi got shocked and about to snatch his phone away from him kai fastly put his phone in his pocket after locking.. who couldn't control his anger and pull him harshly by his collar...

"He is beautiful isn't he... don't asked me how i get it... Just get it with wrong way... I don't know why you are not able to love him... He is a sinful peace of art in a human form... "mr kim and kai laughed out loud darkly.. Their laughter is echoing in yoongi mind and creepy silences of destroyed  building....yoongi felt betrayed by his best friend.. Who is equally blinded by power of mafia world...

"how could you.. You are my best friend.. Kai I'm warning you dont you dare to drag him in your dirty game... Yoongi left his collar harshly and punch..who bump in table hissing while rubbing his back... Kai smile innocently before..

"what happened best friend... He was just showering.. Just look at his.. Ahh curves.. Beauty.. Just once i want to worship his body with my mouth... Kai said shamelessly watching Jimin's naked shower video again... And again continues punches landed on his face... Kai put his hand on his nose... Laughing at yoongi angry red eyes...

"stop boys let's just discuss about our plan.. mr min now you don't have any options.. Or else you know the results... Mr kim stepped in and held yoongi to stop him from beating Kai...

" I'm still your friend... i know you care for him... Trust me until you are with us till then your beautiful wife's bathing video is safe with me.. Kai show him his mobile kissing on it... Yoongi just simply nodded and sat down on one of chair in room... Mr kim signel his men's to go...

"I will definitely taste you for once min jimin.. And I'm sure taemin won't mind... Kai thought while looking at his phone...


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Kai living in Seoul.. Have a brother... Hate jungkook so much.. Yoongi best friend from college.. Know everything about him.. He is bussiness.. His company is on third place.. He thinks because of jungkook... He has some dirty and wrong intentions towards jimin...even his brother doesn't know... And genuinely wants to help yoongi to get his love... But in wrong way...

At Min's house...

Jungkook was busy in looking around Jimin's house after he did his breakfast because jimin told him to wait until he comes back with medicine...he was smiling to how neat and clean jimin kept his house ... He chuckled when he noticed the small flower pots with different colors placed at every window in house.. Jungkook's hands were tuged in his pocket... He fix his coat buttons and glance up to stairs when jimin come down with some tablets in his hands walk away to kitchen and come back with water glass in his small hands..

" here..take this you will feel better.. Jungkook smile when jimin was telling him to take medicine making his eyes big... So he decide to tease...

"I'm not medicine person.. dont treat me like child... don't worry about me.. All i need is drink and smoke to feel better.. Jungkook opened his coat buttons eyeing jimin up close.. Jimin blush nevously looking at jungkook's well built body.. He just tucked his hair behind his ear with other hand..

Then he realized jungkook was coming closer to him.. So he started to step back... He looked back when he saw there is no where to go... His back hit with wall beside stairs... Jungkook smirk placing his hand's both sides his head..

"A.. alcohol and s.. smoking are n.. not g.. good f.. for h.. health...i d.. don't l.. like p.. people who do t.. this..! Jimin said shutring while showing glass of water and medicine ...yet jimin doesn't know which language jungkook understand .. Not moving from his place stood like a stone..caging him in his strong arm's just looking in Jimin's eyes..

"I don't care about my health...because I'm drinking from when i was 14... my grandfather traind me to become next mafia king and told i will have to habitual to alcohol and smoking... Because it a part of an mafia man..! Jimin gasped cutely glaring at him... He pout because his hand is numb from holding glass...he wants to put it on table but jungkook is not planning to let him go easily..

"your eyes are most beautiful in this world... i can't control.. Jimin close his eyes when jungkook nose touched his eyes... "Can i kiss you for once... i want to taste that plump and juicy lips.. Jimin breath hitch on jungkook's request.. nonetheless he nodded his head softly.. What can he do when he is caged in jungkook's arm's... Who is covering his small figure with his beast one... Jungkook take a glass of water from Jimin's hand and gulp down in one go and throw the glass on the couch...

He took Jimin's hand's gently and put it around his neck pulling him closer... Who shut his eyes tightly due to anxiety and shyness... Jungkook kiss his both cheeks and was about kiss his lip's when...


                         End 💜💜

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                     Happy holi... Army...

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