part 51

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Jungkook looked at them one by one, his smirk go wide at the sight of struggling mr kim and took out his gun and loaded it. And fired a bullet aiming the sky and check how they will react, and he was right when Mr kim, park and kai get startled by this. They are scared they are about to pee in their pants well done jeon.. As they even more shocked seeing jungkook opened his arms for yoongi for a brotherly hug...yoongi nodded at his gesture and went to hug jungkook...

"Thank you dude.. You kept your promise and I kept mine.. Taeyung is upstairs safe and sound.. Go to your love... Both smile as they broke the hug and stare at each other with smirk as jungkook put his both hands on yoongi shoulder in courageing him to go and embraced him..

" You made a best decision to get in my team... Yoongi looked at jungkook's smile, because they both are fine now, they have no grudges against each other.. They are in a normal life with their lovers and he was thankful about that... Because jungkook immediately agree to help him once he knows Yoongi's compulsion that Mr kim blackmail him with taeyung's safety and they decided to opposite to tame Mr kim in their plan.. As they use Mr kim plan on him to distract him and jungkook was sure he will come here eagerly like a mad dog after knowing jungkook is trraped in his plan. So as think they get successful when Mr kim comes here behind yoongi and Mr park and the promise he did to yoongi was that yoongi want taeyung out from mr kim's men's eyes who kept their eyes on taeyung who was sleeping in the hotel room without any unaware about the watch over on him... So jungkook sends his men's to bring taeyung here safely before Yoongi's comes and he keeps his promise when his men's bring taeyung here about an three hours ago..

"I'm glad to hear that you gave me a chance to prove myself and I will never disappoint you.. They both shake hands before depart their ways.. Yoongi went upstairs and jungkook looked at his prays in front of him..

"Hello Mr kim woosik... Jungkook clapped his hands and a maid come running towards him with chair and placed it on the middle of the hall for jungkook to sit...jungkook sat on the chair like a king and his first sight fell on Mr kim, Mr kim rolled his eyes and jungkook clenched his fist already wanted to punch him on his face, but he controlled himself for now by saying patience jungkook patience.. Because he had something special in his mind for both of the cunning old are annoying as fuck men's.. Then his main focus shifted on kai who will be the first to suffer most before them..

"Don't avoid me like that woo.. You are hurting me.. Jungkook mock in deep voice eyeing the girl standing with servents and shaking slightly because they both thought jungkook will never come to know this old man love and so he did found her background which scream that she is hooker and Mr kim buy her from the club but the girl had high dream to marry Mr kim and make family... It's disgusting Mr kim not ashamed of the fact that she is just barely 21 years old and Mr kim did everything with her.. Jungkook decided to put this aside for now and focus on Mr kim and his two dear friends...

"Its not my words Mr kim, it was your girlfriend words right Mina.. He side eye her who shake her head wiping her flowing tears again and again to scared to look up at jungkook..

"But she did something that would not be acceptable and her mistake was that she mixed poison in my wife's food two times and if i hadn't decided to test his food before giving it to him.. I can't imagine what could have happened to him and my unborn child.. So her fate was decided.. GO TO THE HELL SLUT...

And bang jungkook shot her right on the middle of her forehead and she fell on the floor with thud and everyone in the hall eyes get hell wide seeing the seen unfolded before their eyes.. Jungkook came back to his old self...

"Who is next.. Mr kim or Mr park or kai... Kai gulp the lump stuck in his throat with seeing jungkook demon like aura, and weather is not helping making it worse for them. Because they can't see jungkook face not his every move.. They are just able to hear his voice a dangerous deep voice making a shiver run down his spine.. He felt like he will collapse any time before encounter a ruthless mafia king..

His thoughts cut off by jungkook  calm voice...

"But first I wanted to know who planned my grandfather accident.. A pin drop silences fell in hall besides the sound of thunder and ticking sounds of wall clock, showing 2:30 a devilish time..

No one answered him..



"AHHH... Kai ears breaking screaming filled the hall and Mr park, kim shot their eyes on Kai's on saw bullet hit both shoulders making him cry at pain..

"I forget to tell you.. No answer and your partner will loose his bones one by one.. Jungkook again aim his gun towrads kai and asked a new..

It's for you my new father-in-law, why you and your wife put a fake blame on  jimin having affair with your old fucking manager huh.. Mr park make eye contact with mr kim who indicate him not to tell him about accident but mr park was scared for his own life so blurt out..

"It was her plan not mine she didn't want him at my house so she played dirty and about your father its all was woosik plan.. he wants his empire, his wealth.. Please let me go.. And next moment mr park groan in pain when bullet hit his knee..

"Ahh why father-in-law, its not your turn and you answered it so this was your gift.. Jungkook laugh maniacly at their faces and Mr park starts to plead him for help seeing his bleeding knee..

"Mr kim.. Jungkook sit on chair with smile..

"Hmm.. Mr kim hmm not looking at his direction..

"What was my grandfather fault.. That he keep you like his own son, he wanted you to handle his empire.. He loved you.. Mr kim sat there emotionalessy and spoke with dominated voice..

"he never wanted me to handle his empire jeon, and love he never did to me.. He treat me like servent and he hate my poor life.. My existence and at the end told me that you're coming back after your studies to claim what is your i mean his position.. And he kicked me out and from that day i decided to destroy you and your happiness... And about your grandfather death yeah it was my plan.. Mr kim explain to him his past story with grandfather which amazed jungkook, his grandfather told him something and had done something.. His grandfather was mastermind no doubt in it..

"I don't care what he done to you, but for me he was my everything, my father, my mother, my guardian, he raised me with love and care and i will take his death revenge from you.. He pulled his triggered when mr kim words make him stop..

"If he loves you so much then why he killed your parents jungkook...

                          End 💜💜

Sorry for late my Wi-Fi was not working so I had to wait for it to fixed...

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Good night dear army's..

I purple you...

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