part 40

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"Where are we going... Taeyung stared at the street for some time and asked confused by his decision...

"why are not you speaking yoon.. Taeyung get angry because we both just got married we should go somewhere to celebrate our wedding night...but god knows where this cold cat faced man is taking me... I want to enjoy my night with him and he takes that cheap society route i don't know why he is taking me there i don't feel like meet his mother right now i am not ready to face her while all her love is only for that jimin...her tounge only chant one name.. My minni my minni... Oh god save me from that typical mother-in-law i want me and yoongi to live somewhere alone where we can live a peaceful life away from her...

He come out from his thoughts when yoongi applied the brakes and small gate of Yoongi's house come before his eyes...

"Come out taeyung i want you to meet my mom... He shook his head biting his bottom lip his anxiety started increasing ,his heart started to pounding loudly...

He come out of car.. And worst thoughts were coming in front of his eyes ..what if yoongi mother doesn't except him... after finding out from yoongi that how she loves jimin so much praise him all time... She loves more than she yoongi... She love his personality, his simplicity, his respect for elders love for children, his cooking skills everything she like in jimin yoongi have told him...

"Did you plan on telling her that we got married because you love me and that you don't know where jimin is and jimin has run away with someone... taeyung stared at the closed door with concerned in his eyes that yoongi going to blame jimin.. to make him fall in the eyes of his mother...this will not be good for him but what can he do..he wants to tell everything to his but in different ways to make jimin bad in her eyes..

"I can't do dont know her she love her respect so much and if i will tell her truth she will blame me that i am the one who abandoned jimin... Taeyung nod in understanding and both make their way close to door...

They waited for two or three minutes and door opened by excited min hana.. Her smile fade when she saw their faces and their interviend hands..

And her first question was...

"Where is my minni and who is this boy huh...

In deagu hospital....

Jungkook took jimin to hospital the best hospital in Daegu which 40 kilometers away from his penthouse... To reach here quickly he had to drive very fast or we should say had to fly his car in air...

This hospital was the main hospital of deagu city...this hospital is neither very big nor small but quite helpful in providing nessesary facilities to the people this was best option for jungkook...when he came to the hospital the hospital staff informed the head doctor of this hospital about his arrival...once hearing his name without any further questions the doctor leave everything behind and run to help the powerful mafia king of Korea... Asked them to shift jimin in hospital general ward so he could examine him...

Jungkook was worriedly pacing back and forth in front of the general ward where the doctor is checking jimin...he put his hands in his pockets looking around anxiously he looked restless without looking at jimin who was inside for 30 minutes...he didn't want to hear any bad news about Jimin's health...he surely know jimin is prengnet but what if this prengnansy causes Jimin's bad health..he heart is pounding in his chest making him hard to breathe because he didn't want to lose either of them....he hoped to have a beautiful life with jimin and his upcoming baby... However his concern for jimin not going away...his mind brusting with the thought about Jimin's health and his little cham... Jimin looked so skinny weak right from the beginning and how could he survive for nine months with his fragile body... How will he give birth to a baby ..

In the mean time doctor come out wearing his stethoscope around his neck and seeing jungkook he smiled and started to go towards him...he put his hand on jungkook's shoulder who was walking back and forth like a mad person to relieve his tension..

Jungkook turned around once he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw doctor smiling at him...

"What happened to jimin.. Why did he faint and he looked so pale and weak...he just fainted in my arms and said he felt likel vomit.. Jungkook asked eagerly to doctor holding his shoulder who just smile softly before speaking..

"first congratulations..he is prengnet... Jungkook smile widely and hug him tightly saying thank you who pat his back and...

"but his case is complicated... Jungkook smile faded and look at the doctor with his dark eyes who just smile nevously and broke the information along with jungkook's heart...

"I'm not sure if he's strong enough to give birth to baby...

End 💜💜

Sorry for short chapters because my phone battery is dead...

Vote for my chapter and enjoy..

Love you... 💜💜

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