part 25

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Jimin was peacefully sleeping in the luxurious room of jungkook apartment holding a pillow close to his chest.. There were marks of tears on his face.. but still his face looked very beautiful.. It seemed as if he was forget all the worries his fears and only one thing exists him and jungkook.. He kept snuggling to the pillow by understanding jungkook warm chest...

He was still having dreams about everything that happened between him and jungkook... he was so happy that a rich and successful man like jungkook liked him.. Wanted to be with him.. he did not know that dreams are broken as quickly as thay made.. he trust people very quickly.. He does not know that everybody does bad to him and goes away...

But according to him jungkook is his only his... Perfect for him.. his destiny.. his future..

Then what about jungkook restlessness for his wife taeyung.. Is everyone about him.. He just runs after beatiful people for their beatiful body.. People like jimin innocent dont know anything about dark world of mafia...

Jimin strried in sleep pulling the blanket tightly around his naked body then he roam his hand on the bed to find jungkook.. And found the whole king size bed empty.. He shot open his eyes looking around with and called for jungkook getting nothing without silence he got scared and aburtly stood up from bed wrraping the black colour blanket around his entire body feeling so ashamed in himself..

"M.. mr j.. j.. jeon.. He checked in bathroom and find it empty he then his eyes fell on his dress which was laying on bed.. he go towards bed with shaking legs and put his dress on.. Tied his hair again in his black hair scarf making it looks like he did nothing with hot mafia boss who went to his house ditching him...

He went to bathroom and wash his  tears stains face and fix his makeup

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He went to bathroom and wash his  tears stains face and fix his makeup...he came out and saw his purse is also in the room he sighed in relief checking his calls history and found thirties missed calls from his mother in law...

"what can i do should i call mom or first asked jungkook... But he is no where to find.. mom must be worried about me.. He decided to call his mother in law when someone knocked on the door making him scared...

"who it could be.. A bodyguard or jungkook oh my god.. He rush to door and open it with blushing face only to get shock finding a tall man with cold expression so he doesn't say anything...

"hi i am john mr jeon personal bodyguard.. And he told me to drop you off at your house... He smiled politely at jimin whose heart and dream broke into many pieces.. jungkook promise him to he will take him to Seoul with him.. They made love he gave his respet, body, heart everything to him in one night.. Yet he have to listen drop him off.. Because i get what i want min Jimin's body.. Seeing which everyone become hungry... hungry for his body.. Jungkook did same thing with him.. get his body by false sweet words.. Crushed his fragile heart under his feets with his self respect.. he handed himself to someone else who was not his husband.. he betrayed his husband his mother in law, he broke a rule of marriage.. god will never forgive him..

"W.. where i.. is m.. mr j..j.. jeon... He asked in barely audible trembling voice cant able to bear the pain of left used.. someone used his body.. tears were continusly falling from his eyes making his visions blury..

"Actually mrs jeon is not well so he left to take care of her... namjoon told me to drop you.. he has talked to jungkook.. John come close to his body trying to hug him getting advantage of Jimin's condition.. Who was sobbing in his hands feeling so much restless and dirty.. now he had to go to Yoongi's house after cheating on him.. what will his mother in law think of him knowing he slept with someone else.. she will throw him out of the house he lived... Why he trust jungkook... why he gave his body to the man who will never leave his wife.. Now he had no hope left how would he talk to jungkook to clear things.. to tell him his problem..what if i get pregnant.. What will i tell yoongi... that i slept with jungkook this baby is his.. No no jimin let's hope for the opposite.. Please god forgive me.. i don't want to get pregnant.. He thought everything crying badly dont want to go back his house want to talk to jungkook.. Why he did that with him use his body and left him alone...

"c..can i j.jungkook p..please f..for once..john laugh ignoring Jimin's crying face and pulled him close by his waist...

"why darling he said throw him out of my apartment.. It is my concern mind want to drop you off at your house baby.. Jimin tried to push him away from himself with his trembling hands but john tighten his grip and tried to kiss his who push him with his all force and a loud slapped echoed in the room... Jimin put his shaking hands on his mouth shocking at his confidence yet he can't escape from the angry red john who was looking at him with his hungry dark eyes...

"i liked you the very first day i got information about you.. But i can't go against my boss so i supressed this desire in my heart.. He licked his bottom lip looking at Jimin's body and loving the fear on his face he started to walk close to him...

"p.. please i.. i w.. want to g.. go h.. home.. He choked out sobbed praying god to save him and started to step back while his body is shaking very badly...

"Now that he used your body and threw you away...let me use your beautiful body too.. He threw his hat and gloves away he was wearing then started to open his shirt buttons one by one staring at Jimin's pale legs...

But the poor loyal bodyguard of jeon jungkook did not know that tonight was his last night....

"let's enjoy before leaving...

                            End 💜💜
Double update... Vote if you like chapter enjoy good night bye...

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