part 20

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As the loud music could be hear from dance floor as everyone is enjoying the party very well.. All the party is become more entertaining when couples started to dance on romantic song... Swaying their body with every rhythm...looking so in love with each other... But on other side jimin was stting at the side of stage typing on phone busy in texting someone...

"Yes mr jeon i got ready for you all hot yet no one is looking at me... Jimin text back with shy emoji all happy after knowing jungkook noticed him...

Didn't know that jungkook is climbing on stage with smirk on his face.. And took the mic from dj for something..

"come on then let everyone know that your are here.. Beautiful... Jimin didn't get what jungkook mean by he hear jungkook deep voice echoed in garden he wide his looking up at the stage... immediately pink blush crept on his cheek noticing jungkook soft eyes on him...

"Good evening everyone.. I'm jeon jungkook.. Thank you So much for coming here... And specially welcome to you to pretty boy sitting here... Everyone shot their eyes on jimin who have become a red as tomato by this much attention.. He could saw the shocked face of everyone he didn't expect jungkook did this...

Then his eyes fell on jungkook who blow him a loving kiss make him feel flustered.. He nervously started to fix his dress getting so much burning eyes on him...

"can i dance with a angel like you.. His thoughts cut off by someone he doesn't want encounter with and the person is..

"Taemin what are you doing here go away i don't want to dance with you.. He look towards stage and found jungkook was looking at him angrily shooting daggers at taemin with his eyes..

"Come on don't be rude your husband is not going to come here anytime soon.. He pull jimin up from chair and held his waist tightly taking him up at dance floor...
But the poor guy doesn't know what going to happen to him...

Jungkook signel his one men something with his eyes who nodded immediately.. Going away from stage...

"what happened kook let's dance please.. Taeyung said coming to him while lifting his dress... He was looking so tempting with smoky eye's makeup with red lipstick...his black dress is making him look more ethernel yet jungkook eyes were only on jimin who is forcing him kidnap him and took him to place he decides... He wants nothing except to take him in arm's and shower him with his love.. Nonetheless he nodded smiling at taeyung pulling him by his waist and started to dance...

"You are screwed.. Fucking taemin rest in peace.. He muttered under his breath...and smile at taeyung composing his restless figure... He can't bear this boy who invited him here..

Taeyung was smiling whole heartdly to jungkook feeling happy to not meet someone.. He knew he will end up crying after seeing his hurt face which made him weak for him.. Later he didn't know his own father will take him to his love..

He smiled up at jungkook when his eyes caught a glimpse of his love min yoongi standing far end of garden he felt if he was saying him to you are mine...

                     Yoongi outfit

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                     Yoongi outfit

He wide his eyes getting a smirk from his thin lips making his heartbeat stop.. So excuse himself saying he is feeling dizzy..

"kookie i am feeling dizzy like throwing up i need to use washroom..! Jungkook put his all attention on taeyung whom he loved more than anything but now he felt suffocated with him.. It's because someone beautiful angel has tampered with his loyal heart... He shake his head to put his thoughts aside for now...

"Want me to come with you wifey.. Jungkook was about to pick him up bridal style..yet stooped by taeyung whin...

"I'm not that much bad.. i can walk you enjoy your bussiness talks with dad till then..! He said walking down from stage while smiling at everyone in his way... He then entered in washroom and heard door locked sound...

"Tonight you are going to answer my all questions...

Outside in garden...

"hyuna what is the slut doing here and look at your son-in-law kept looking at him.. Something is not right. Mr park said looking at both jungkook and jimin body language who were looking at each others eyes again and again... Mrs kim took notice of both of them and felt anger rising in her by looking at jimin...

"how do you know him.. diana.. Mrs kim asked to mrs park who smirk on her question...

She gulp her drink in one go before speaking..

"he is the same beautiful bitch i told you about my step son whom i have thrown out of park family..! Mr kim saw how beautiful the boy is and of course his sister doesn't like beautiful people whe get attention from everyone... So she played dirty to make his life miserable...

Park diana

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Park diana..

Mrs kims sister by blood..but both have different personalities.. Love two things in her life money and her son... Hate jimin so much.. Force mr park to broke every relationship with him...

"So he is the boy you ruied life by marry him off to stranger snatching his dream..! Mrs kim said with harsh tone to the couple dont caring about jungkook looking at jimin..

"i didn't want to waste my money on his useless dream.. Mrs kim going to say something back when the garden light get off...

"Now wait and see he will be in your son-in-law's arms ..he know how to get rich men on his knees for his body..mrs park walk away opening a flashlight of her phone...

People started to panicking about how can light got off like this...they should be because they are at the mafia king's party... So many cautious they have in mind.. If they get by his enemy or worse someone bomb blast here...

On the other side jimin noticed someone pulled taemin away from him.. And heard a punching sounds.. He get scared and his eyes tear up he hug himself to thought if someone touch him or kindnap him... his all fear flow away when he got caged in someone's arms...familer secnt strong safe arm's which belongs to jungkook so he tightly held his biceps.. And heard a deep voice which have a power make him submit himself to him...

"Calm down its me jungkook.. you are safe my cutie...

                            End 💜💜

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Bye good night...

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