part 50

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Mrs min stood in front of jungkook's bedroom door, with a pounding heart and wide eyes filled with terror, looking at the state of the marble floor which was covered in blood and looked like someone body's had been drraged from here no one had cleaned it yet, she was sure kai had seen jungkook's devil side according to amount of blood the floor had... And she thought that it was no wonder jungkook had a brutal mafia personality out there. Then her eyes widened more with the thought of jimin who witnessed everything before his beautiful eyes, and with shaking hand she turned the door knob and it opened with click sounds making her heart drop immediately when her eyes fell on her delicate flower-like son sitting on bed hiccuping badly.. So she ran to him and embraced him who recognizes her and clung to her crying in panic from the previous incident...

"Its okay my love.. Everything is okay.. I'm here hmm.. Look at me mom is here now... They are getting what they deserved huh.. She patted his head softly while rocking his body slowly slowly and her eyes welled up with unshead tears at the thought that something worse could have happened to him.. Because of their undying lust for their dirty desires.. She kissed his head before pulling away from hug and wipe his tears and asked..

"Are you okay jimin... Jimin looked at her surprise its the first time she called him with his real name and its sounds so soothing to him.. Why he kept saying that he don't have mom when he have in the form of Mrs min, his mom, his bestie, his guardian, his last hope of love...

She was always there for him no matter what decision he make..

"Thank you for always being there for me in my bad times ,to support me with my this were the best mother-in-law and now best mother.. You are my best friend more than a mother and I love everything about our relationship mom... I love you so much my bestie min hana... She laughed with teary eyes rembering the time they both spend at the min house, evening gossiping with tea, morring walk with so much laughter and silly things they both love to do baking, shopping, kity parties, they made so many lovely memories they will remember forever..

"You were also a wonderful son-in-law, and now best son...her eyes becomes sad and she continue..and you were perfect wife, Minnie I don't know why yoon didn't fell for you but i can understand him.. we can't forget our first love i can totally understand that. And I'm thankful to god that he made you meet right person before it got more complicated..and now you are going to have something beautiful, your first child.. A innocent life who will call you mom and jungkook dad.. She place her hand on his belly making him giggle on her childish bady Voice.. The atmosphere in room was so comfortable for both of them even though outside of the room strom was coming towards jungkook's enemy.. And  the strom name is jungkook..

"mom, he is just two days old and you're talking to him like jungkook...Let him grow up, then maybe he can respond with his soft kicks from my womb.. Jimin massage his belly with beautiful smile on his face..he love his child so much without seeing him because he knows his baby is breathing in him and will breathe his air for nine months...and will eat what jimin eats and will become a part of him for nine months and he is waiting for the time his baby will make him feel his existence..

"what do you want jimin boy or girl..mrs min asked with curiosity and observe his sparkling eyes.. Jimin took deep breath and stood up from bed and went to the window..

"Jungkook want a baby boy and i want baby girl.. Jimin giggle putting his hand on his face hiding his blushing face from her...

"So you both want different genders, but I also want a boy to be born.. Jimin shook his head at her words, she always take jungkook's side.. I know that.. He turned to her and crrosed his arms and starts gigling..

"You are just like jungkook. I don't care what the gender of the baby will be, I will love them both.. Jimin pout and glare at her she just sat on bed casually and notice something on Jimin's dress and said softly..

Minnie you should take bath, your clothes are stained with that boys blood...jimin stiff and noticed his dress has blood on his chest area he took a sharp breath and smile..

"Omg.. Let me take bath mom.. Jimin went to bathroom to take a warm bath...

Leaving a confuse mrs min behind..

"wow where is my scardy cat minnie... Jungkook really changed him... She said amazed with Jimin's changing behavior..

Then she smirk looking at there wedding picture...

"He had to change, he's going to be mafia queen after all.. She caress jimins face in the frame with satisfaid smile...

"But I have a feeling Jimin's baby will be a boy... She giggle dancing in the room like a child...

"The glow on his face tells me he is having a son. She predicted like a typical fifties mother..


                             End 💜💜

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