part 56..

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Jimin came back to room after putting on his dress and saw that the lamp was broken along with the table.. He might have kicked it.. He said in small crack voice as he bit his lower lip and tried to hold back his tears but they came out as he thought that he fought with jungkook without any solid reason as he knew that it was not jungkooks fault but his own fault for coming to the room wrraped in towal..he thought he should have gone to the closet room to get dressed instead it doing in front of jungkook.. How wrong he is to think like that.. Why I am thinking like this, we are married, he has full rights on me. I think i overreacted... Now i made him angry... He saw table and sigh frustrated by his own behaviour towards his husband who loves him dearly and he just blame him for this..

     Their room on the ground floor

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     Their room on the ground floor..

"I am sorry jungkook... Jimin said feeling guilty to push jungkook away he then approach his dressing table and gasped when he saw the mirror is broken from the middle and also has a blood and then it hit him where the shattered sound came from.. Oh my god jungkook punched the mirror but w.. why.. He is angry on me so why hurting himself...i need to see him.. Jimin hurriedly applied the simple blush on his cheeks , a thin layer of pink on his eyelids hiding his saddened eyes and last pink glossy lipstick on his plump lips and ran out of the room toward the dining room.. He slowed down his pace when a two maids greets him.. Good morning Mrs jeon, breakfast is ready, want us to serve you.. Jimin shook his head politely and greet them with soft tone.. "Good mo.. morring.. Did you saw Mr j..jeon... I can't find him anywhere.. One of them nodded his head and spoke with head bow down.. I saw him going in the direction of his personal gym Mrs jeon.. And he was quite angry.. Jimin nodded playing with his fingers and walk away saying small thank you.

After he left one of them spoke.. Look at him, he is so unreal, his beauty, no wonder why Mr jeon love him so much.. Other one nodded in agreement and said.. Mr jeon shout on him and i was cleaning corridor when i heard breaking sounds of something i think they fought..other one pick up his cleaning stuff apporoching next room to clean and said.. That's why his eyes were swallon still they didn't effect his heavenly beauty.. And he got a smack on his head by his cleaning partner are you have a death wish, don't forget you are talking about Mr jeon wife, so slow down your tone if you don't want to loose your tongue.. Lets not Waste the time.. He entered into the room pulling him along who was lost in Jimin's beauty.. I wish i could find someone as beautiful as him..




"i don't know where the gym is... Jimin pout looking at the dining room and goes to kitchen to get some water to drink because his throat became dry after his cries and he get into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water and then his eyes fell on middle age women washing some dishes so he chooses to ask her..

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