part 24

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"i failed to find jungkook but don't worry i will definitely kill him... He sat beside mr kim who was sitting on the table at the cornor of garden... everyone is agian get busy enjoying party when mr kim said his son taeyung is resting because he isn't well and his son-in-law left to do his important work...

Mrs kim and mrs park was at the right beside the table of mr kim... mr park is disappeared after jimin and jungkook.. Yet the party was not over mr kim is waiting for yoongi to do his work.. At least he want one of his plan to fullfilled..

"What do i do everything is going to wrong.. Nothing is going according to my plan... Mr kim glup his fifth drink by now looking around with drunk eyes filled with anger for jungkook and jimin... Obviously he saw knows jungkook leaving party with jimin in his arms.. he stood up with his trembling legs and go to mrs kim table and sat beside her..

"Idoit old man knows nothing about mafia... The man he hired to kill jungkook said and went to wonder around with evil smrik..

"i don't know what kind of parents you both are.. Your great son-in-law left with my stepson in his arms holding him so protectively... Like wow.. Mr kim and mrs kim glared at her which she chuckled ignoring their not so scary eyes.. she put the drink on table then smrik at mrs kim... who had unbearable expression on her face for her son marrige...

"Don't start with your nonsense talk diana.. here i am dying to know where my dear son is.. Mrs kim whisper shout looking in her cold eyes.. why she always has to drag her stepson in all these things... she saw how scared and nervous he looked when he came here. she doesn't care about jungkook being with him...while her mind was telling jungkook just wants to spend one with him...only because of his beautiful body...

"let me tell you about him something that will pull the ground from under your feets.. Mr kim and mrs kim put their all attention on her she fix her hair and dress facing them ...

"That he can get pregnant after having sex just once...mrs kim wide her eyes gulping down to information she got.. She put her hands on the table breathing anxiously this information could ruin his sons life.. who always want children with jungkook...

"Don't say anything, when you know nothing about pregnancy stuff how can someone get pregnant just by one intercourse...mrs park scoff before rumbling inside her purse to find her phone then unlocked it going through some files stopping at the particular hospital report which she stole from Jimin's room. And there written on with big letters park jimin..

"see doctor also conform that a year ago.. That's the reason why he was desperate to get laid... his womb will give you good news at once... She smile excitedly putting her phone back in her purse picking up the glass to drink throw it down her throat in one go....

"Min hana will be happy to be grandmother... She went away giving a last pitiful eyes to the shocked couple...

Mr kim put a arm around her shoulder to console her when they hear murmuring from the guest he stood up going to the direction of main gate and found...

"jungkook what happened to tae huh... why is he unconscious.. why his clothes is torn... Mrs kim asked tears started to flow from her eyes looking at her son limp body in jungkook arms... Jungkook didn't said anything took taeyung inside of mansion leaving everyone shock who started to wonder who have the courage to torture mafia king wife..

Mr kim saw namjoon is coming with doctor looking all worried and scared...

"namjoon what happened to my son... Namjoon stared at him with expressionless face and went away without any single word..

Jungkook placed an unconscious taeyung on bed tucking him in blanket kissing his forehead and hands with unbearable pain on his handsome face...

"I'm so sorry wifey for leaving you alone in party.. Jungkook placed a kiss on taeyung eyes tenderly smiling to his calm face..

Then doctor entered into the room gaining jungkook attention who sat by taeyung...

"let me check him mr jeon.. Jungkook nod his head standing up giving doctor Space to sat down doctor he put his suitcase on nightstand started to check up on taeyung... He checked his pulse and sighed softly...

"he is all okay mr jeon.. his blood pressure is low...he might have not eaten anything..i gave him injection he will be alright in few hours.. Doctor said smiling up at jungkook who didn't say anything and left the room...

"let me drop you to door doctor.. Namjoon took doctor kit from him leading him towards door...

Once they reach close to the door namjoon stop him at the cornor and asked...

"what is really happend to him.. dont try to hide something from me.. Namjoon shoved his kit into his chest harshly and pulled him by his collar...

"mr kim i telling you truth... his blood pressure is really low but his injuries are completely fake... Namjoon leave him who fix his coat walking away from namjoon deadly glare... leaving him shocked... He didn't know taeyung could do something like this.. Can do anything to call jungkook over to him...

"what about min jimin... He said approaching guest room where jungkook went a while ago..





Namjoon took a deep breath and step in the dark room

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Namjoon took a deep breath and step in the dark room.. Where was nothing except darkness... He covered his nose when a strong smell of cigarettes hit him.. He knew jungkook is stressd because when he is stressed he smokes ...he shank his head rolling his eyes and called his name...

"jungkook where are you we need to talk.. He stop near the bed looking towards the big glass located left side of bed he sat down on bed..

"speak up... He heard the deep voice of jungkook who light up the lamp beside the high chair he was stting smoking with long cuffs...

"where is jimin... did you use him the same way you do with everyone.. Jungkook smirk taking cigar out from his mouth discarded it in ashtray and laugh out loud evily..

"we made love.. i kissed him on every single part of his pretty body...i didn't know why I'm feeling restless leaving him alone in my bed.. Jungkook stood up coming in front of namjoon only in his bathrobe he had so much anger in him first jimins thing now taeyung... he is just wanted to be close to jimin whom he fell in love... his heart pains listening jimins painfull story he had something in his mind for mrs park..

"I'm warning you dont you dare to said the word use him.. Namjoon raised his eyebrows and face jungkook looking in his eyes...

"he is in your apartment right now.. Are you planning to keep him there forever.. Jungkook laughed seeing namjoon face and crossed his arms over his chest then started to whistle...

"told john to dropped him at his real home... i have to take care of my wife...


                            End 💜💜
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