part 27

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Jungkook rush to the john side and pull him away from jimin and throw him on floor harshly... Breathing heavily eyes blood shoot his can't imagine someone touching his jimin... His soul trembled thinking if he didn't saw the cctv footage of his penthouse he can't be here at the right time to save him he smrik Pointing his gun to his forehead who looked at jimin then spoke in confident tone...

"boss i didn't do anything he is the one who seduse me showing his body t... Jungkook didn't let him complete and kick him on his face making him cough blood by the impact of his powerfull kick then he pull him by his collar on his feets...he put his gun back and continues punches landed on his face making his bloody his visions blury.. john groans loudly feeling his body getting weak with hitts from jungkook.. Jimin stand still sticking to wall scared with hearing the sound of john pleading and painfull cry.. he doesn't have the courage look at the seen in front of him...

But he doesn't know his cries were making it worse for jungkook... Whose anger was increasing inseatd of discreasing... So he started to hit him more forcefully smashing his head on the concrete floor...

He then pull out a small size of knife from his pocket and gaze at john left side face and...

"AHHHH.... Jimin covered his ear with trembling hand and sobbing louldy want everything to stop... he chooses to run away and immediately he hiss feeling a pain in his left ankle and said to himself.. Congratulations you sprain your ankle...

"LEAVE ME AHHH.. John screamed his lungs out feeling so much pain in his ribcage when a knife go through it...

"you did something you shouldn't you touch someone who is a everything for me.. Jungkook glance up at jimin who was scared to death seeing jungkook dark side... Because jungkook was mercilessly stabbing him in his chest not caring about the blood which is oozing out from his chest with full speed...

"p.. p.. please s.. stop.. Jimin legs gave up and he fell down on the floor with the support of wall his whispers were not going to jungkooks ears...jungkook wasn't in himself.. his anger took control on him...

As jungkook stabbed him last time before kicking his dead body because the mafia king killed him.... Stabbing him multiple times....he wiped his bloody hand with his pants apporching crying boy on floor...

Jimins body stiffens sensing jungkook rushed footsteps close to him... he closed his eyes tightly clunching on his dress afraid to see jungkook face...

"He deserves to die.. don't worry im here... Jungkook engulfed him in his protective embrace who kept silent not even opening his eyes.. he picked up the terrified boy who flinched clutching on his coller..

"i didn't mean to scare you... why are not you speaking... Jungkook placed him gently on bed staring at his crying red face... eyes were puffy lips were swallon from continues biting... Jimin eyes were still close how could he talk to me so causally after killing someone... his soul was shaken he had never seen a murder before his eyes...

"what happened, why are you not saying anything... do you think im talking to the wall or to the dead body... Jungkook said sitting beside him seeing how tears were shedding from his beautiful eyes.... he hug him from behind kissing his cheek and wide smile came across his lips hearing jimin horase voice after so much crying...

"i hate you....i begging you please drop me home... Jimin tried to push his arms away which jungkook tighten more... he killed someone for jimin..just like he killed for his wife... he came as soon as he saw what john is trying to do with his angel...he killed his loyal guard for him when his is telling him move on you got what you want but his heart was keep reminding him image of Jimin's smiling face, his beautiful smile giggle, his selfless love for everyone who hurted him...

"you can leave me.. because you got what you wanted right... Jimin whiper don't pushing him away he get betrayed trusting someone so much always cause him pain... he thought jungkook is different from everyone from his husband who cleared everything at his wedding first night...that he cant love.. not now he wanted time to excepting me... Jungkook fist his hand controlling himself from shout at jimin..

"you and my wife are in danger, i had to leave you... Jimin stared back at him with frown and cute swollen eyes... Jungkook smile softly kissing his forehead traling his hair behind his ear's...

"w.. what d...d.. danger.. Jimin saw jungkook get angry again so he doesn't say anything and trying to stood up and failed fallling in his laps..

"Someone kindnaped my wife and i found him on the road unconscious.. Then i got a call from unknown number who send me some videos related to you.. he threatened me saying if i didn't send you at your house he will send videos to media to make it breaking news.. Jimin turned fully towards jungkook who was looking in his eyes with so much love and adoration.."w.. what k.. k.. kind of v.. v.. video... is y.. your w..wife w..was he k.. kindnaped b.. b.. because of me.. Jimin said with tear filled eyes...considering himself the reason of everyone problems... Pure started to worry about taeyung forgetting about what had happened to him if jungkook didn't come..

Jungkook smile at his thinking about Jimin's pure heart worries about his everyone...

"you don't need to know i will take care of everything... Jungkook kiss his cheek with assuring him.. he glanced at his feet which had turned red because he had spraind it... The reason of his anger towards john was because of his love for jimin..

"i just wants to distract him.. Because he said he had his eyes on my every move... But soon i will find him i promise.. Jungkook peck on his temple before gently putting him on the bed and got on his knees to check his tiny delicate feets...

"it's just twisted my darling.. i have to do something so that it will go away.. Can i... He smiled at him expecting him do the same but jimin nodded softly looking away from him... Jungkook gently held his ankle and suddenly twisted it making jimin cried out...

"ahh... Jungkook took his feet and placed it on his knees and kissed it delicately for two or three times maintaining eye contact with Jimin whose face had become red instantly which make chuckle deeply....

Jimin tried to hide his smile seeing jungkook smile yet failed when jungkook kept kissing his feet... making his poor heart go crazy in his chest he gripped tightly on bed sheets closing his eyes...

He then shoot open his eyes when reality hit him like brick and he harshly pull his feet away from him and glared at him...

He can't forget what jungkook did with him.. What that bodyguard of his about to do with him.. It's all because of jungkook if he didn't left him alone he wouldn't have to go through so much humiliation... He can not forget that he was from being raped... It can easy for jungkook to come here and say sorry but not for him he had a heart who is scared to be broken, have body which he wants to gave someone who is worthy for his love...

"pl... please i.. i w.. want t.. to g.. go h.. home.. He said nervously after the dead silence from jungkook he sat there on his knees in front of him...

"if i don't let you go.. If i don't feel like leaving you my doll... Jungkook stood up smriking down at his terrified expression and laugh loudly on his face...

He then pulled him to stand up on his feets and peck his lips with so much love..then said in deep angry tone making jimin scared

"let's make you my wife... mrs jeon jimin..

                            End 💜💜
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                           Bye 💜💜

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