part 32

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It was going to be very beautiful morning for the lovers who are going to get tied in pure relationship of husband and wife... the birds had started to chirping in their melodies Voice indicated that the sun was about to come out from his house to give them a fresh Morring with fresh day memories...god knows what the day keeps for them..

But here in the room two lover's are lost in each other and a heavenly frangness of the sex spread in the room making the two of them more needy for each other body and love.. And they were so horny that not letting each other took a signel amount of breath...the bed was totally messed up the pillow was on the floor along with Jimin's towal and jungkook clothes which he said he wears for marriage..they are enjoying each other because no one going to disturb them celebrated their wedding night before wedding because no one had a guts to remind jungkook about his marriage plans because they knew if they disturb him it will be last day of their lives... Let me tell you how they end up in bed.. As soon as jimin accepted jungkook did not take him even a minute to took jimin in his arms and love him like this is a end of earth so that if he let jimin go he cant be able to make love to him...and for jimin it like a dream come true he always had a dreamed of a husband like jungkook...who will do everything to gain his love to make feel loved...his wish is granted by god himself sending his desinty to him his jungkook to him.. who is going to be his husband today...

Jungkook smirk after releasing his seeds deep inside of Jimin's who moaned loudly scratching jungkook back roughly flying on the top cloud of pleasure sweating and breathing quicken under jungkook dominated body... Jungkook kissed his forehead before falling beside him hugging him from behind kissing his cheek...

"you was looking so sexy under me it was best feeling ever in my life.. making love with sleeping in my arms..your moans along with your scream when taking me inside of you.. Jungkook carresed Jimin's fingers praising him for the sex that was unexpected for him.. he didn't expect jungkook will make love to him again for straight two hours....he is not feeling well his heart is restless as if he telling him don't let jungkook away from your eyes.. Like something is not right something bad about to happen with his new dreamland, his love,most importantly to his jungkook..

"its best feeling for me too.. Because i got you jungkook but can't we do this marriage legally with presence of everyone realeted to us... Jimin turned to face jungkook placing his little hands on jungkook's naked chest.. It the things is bothering him the most thinking about taeyung, yoongi, his mother-in-law he can not  build his dream house with jungkook by breaking his relationship hurting his wife jeon taeyung.. He doesn't want to be called someones home breaker.. If he does this marriage secretly from everyone then it would be called breaking someones home he does not want to get his desired husband by hurting taeyung.. Jungkook taeyung is still your wife.. Your first wife.. He still has all rights over you...i don't want his home and married life to be broken and his heart to be broken too.. I don't have the guts to take away someons husband from him.. I admit that i have some pure feeling for you.. Now i felt guilty that i let you touch me and let you cheat on taeyung with me.. I feel really bad about having sex with someone who is already married.. I am not like that jungkook my mother had not taught me like that.. Jimin placed his hand on jungkook's heart and felt his rapid beats which made him breathless knowing that his heart is beating faster only because of him..because jimins talks again make him angry he can see the hard expression on jungkook's face showing he is controlling himself from shouting on him.. He trust jungkook more than himself that he will not hurt him so he mother always wished that i find true love in life but how could she have known that her son was going to break someone's marrige.. Jungkook took a deep breath before looking in his beautiful eyes which scream guilt for something he didn't do...he saw Jimin's smile died seeing his cold emotionless face he stood up from bed and went in bathroom leaving a teary eyes jimin fisting the blanket in his cute hands...jimin stared out of the window and saw the sun rising high in the sky and the beautiful sunlight falling on his face..he closes his eyes due to harsh sunlight and sniffles with teary eyes and hides in the blanket...

"he didn't reply and went away.. I want this marriage but not breaking taeyung heart.. Jimin wiped his tears while his sniffes echoed in the silent room... He wants to know what is going in jungkook's mind...if he is angry with him then he can express his anger on him.. he was so busy in blaming himself and didn't notice jungkook coming closer to the bed with his silent step and in swift moment he picked up the babbling cute boy in his arms who was still wrraped in blanket which is covered his entire body..jimin Yell removing the blanket away from his face holding jungkook's neck gently and glared at him...

"Yah you scared me... Jungkook smile at his adorable baby doll and rubbed his nose with him who giggle loudly wiggling his legs playfully in air...

"we have to get ready for marriage because we are late making love.. And i love you truly like your mom wished .. and taeyung will not be heart broken because he loves someone else... After our marriage i will set him free..jimin pout sadly and put his head on his chest closing his eyes... And your not a marriage breaker or a home breaker next time i don't want you to call yourself that! Jimin nod his head looking in his eyes lovingly...

"Let's take a relaxing bath together.. Jungkook winked at jimin and smashed his lips on him and they kissed each other passionately all the way to the bathroom..

They are very much happy to marry each other but both of them were unaware of the storm that is about to come into their lives...

                             End 💜💜
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Bye.. 💜💜

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