part 3

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Namjoon was going towards his cabin to collect all the project files to discuss with their project manging head to finalize the team which they will going to send Daegu for construction work... So he was busy in making arrangements also he have a to remind jungkook his meetings scheduled he has so much to look after he was busy in looking at his tab to list of the guest who will be by jungkook side... Because jungkook said to him to send invitation to his some of his head colleague and his current bussiness partner's... So first he is going to hand the rest of projects work to manging department head... Min yoongi...he was passing by corridor full of people but bump into someone when he looked at him to apologize....he smile seeing the person..

"Oh yoongi am sorry I was in rush.. You know work load... Yoongi smile at him while picking his files and said...

"It's alright namjoon... Actual.... But namjoon cut his word's..

Why are you going towards confreres room.. Namjoon ask him confused because in room jungkook was relaxing for sometime before his next meeting he can't tolerate when someone inturputed his private time ... Yoongi nodded at his word like understanding so he said...

"i forgot my phone there... And it's time for the call from my house so i was going to bring my phone back before my wife's call.! Yoongi said with smile remember about his childish Minnie.. He cant wait to listen his voice..

" yoongi let me bring you.. your phone.. he smile softly at him he doesn't want jungkook to get mad on his best friend... He get angry very easily... He don't appreciate his employees and spacialy middle class people... He himself dont know why jungkook become so full of himself... Arrogant.. Rude... Disrespect towards poor people like his grandfather... His thoughts cut off by yoongi waving his hand in front of him...

" Earth to kim namjoon... I know your concern go ahead and dont worry about work i did already choose our best architect team for our new comer mall project.. Relax and fix your hair and my phone.! Both laugh at this... And namjoon hug yoongi dearly they are best in everything they are star of jeon corporations... But namjoon...

"yoongi do you know about Mr kim throwing a party reception for newly wed couple... In deagu boss said to invite you as well because he wants to discuss something about place... So you have to present in deagu...

"he invited me already... He said take your family with you too... So I'm going Daegu tomorrow morning know mom she will be upset if I don't take jimin with me.. Namjoon nod he knew about his marriage life he knows jimin is an angel and also a very shy and introvert person... He dont used to attend high class parties it is a big task for yoongi to convince his shy wifey... So namjoon left saying yoongi to wait for him in his cabin...

Yoongi pov...

Hi am min yoongi... A normal employee of Jeon's... For me i am normal but for my mom a best architect of Jeon's.. i join this company two years ago and now a department head after getting a promotion ...also a married man.. Jimin is a best life partner i get.. He is belonged to well rich family from busan but his step mom she made his life miserable.... When i come to know about this from mom... I got very angry how can someone treated jimin... Then mom said jimin was her best friends son and she wants me to marry him... So I didn't think twice and got agree and now married... I want to give him everything that makes him happy.. But I can't give him... The thing will make him happy is my love but I don't know why i don't see him like my wife he is a perfect... Beautiful, do everything to gain my love... Take good care of my mom. Never let her do one single thing.. Here i am dont have a courage to take a first step... I don't deserve his love.. Respect... In first night he said he will wait for me... But I left him in deagu all alone after marriage ...but what about my idiot heart who is still behind those eyes and flowers tattoo... He looked at his hand where he get same tattoo as someone spacial had... He thought cut off by loud sound of big wall clock which indicates that it's a lunch break so sighed and left to namjoon cabin...

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