Chapter Two: The Dream

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Veneer hiked up a mountain, his feet showing him the way. He abruptly stopped and looked at the ground, spotting a purple diamond perfume bottle. His eyes widened as he picked it up. There appeared to be something in there, so he opened it carefully. His hands shook with grief when he saw what was inside; a small blue troll with pink- streaked white hair.

"Floyd!" He gasped, his emotions over whelming him.

He never realized how much this troll meant to him. He cradled the troll in his hand, when he suddenly felt a jabbing pain in his heart.

"Velvet," he gasped, clutching his heart, "how could you do this?"

Veneer bolted awake, his right hand covered in blood. He looked at his chest and whimpered. There, right on top of his heart, was a shard of glass, wedged in there real good. Veneer cried out as he used a shaking hand to pull the glass out of himself. He carefully climbed down from his bed to tell Velvet what just happened.

"Velvs! Someone stuck a p- Velvet?! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Veneer shivered. He had already lost so much blood, and with his sister gone, what was the point in living? He knelt down beside his sister's bed and began to cry into her blanket. A click brought Veneer back to reality. Standing outside his cell was none other than Kid Ritz, the infamous interviewer.

"Ritz?! What are you doing h-h-here?" Veneer gasped, trying to stand up, but failing miserably.

"A lot has changed, Ven. Now I'm a security guard here! Buuuuut," Kid Ritz looked at Veneer curled up on the floor. "You don't look so good. Are you okay?"

Veneer nodded, and quickly turned around so not to show Kid Ritz the blood pouring out of him.

"Y-y-yeah, I'm totally f-fine." He whispered, unable to make any more noise.

Suddenly, Veneer fell, unconscious, onto the ground. Kid Ritz quickly burst into the cell to see what had happened. He found the glass, and deduced that someone purposely wedged that piece of glass into his heart, in an attempt to kill him. He called for backup after realizing that the only person that could have done this was his cell mate.

Kid Ritz quickly found out that velvet was Veneer's cell mate. He thought it was very stupid to have them both in the same cell, especially when velvet tends to get violent. When the paramedics arrived at the prison, Kid Ritz and another security guard took him to the ambulance, making sure he was still alive as they carried him away.

Once Veneer had been whisked away to the hospital, Kid Ritz approached the next problem: VELVET WAS MISSING! And not only that, but she tried to kill her own brother! He nervously walked to his boss's office, to tell him. He knocked on the door and heard a gruff "Come in!"

"Officer Rob?" Kid Ritz asked nervously

The officer nodded, and looked up from his phone.

"We have... a situation." He said, nervously wringing his hands.

"I already know about Veneer. We've decided to let him post bail. He's pretty ill, and we figured it's the least we could do." The officer started scrolling on his phone again.

"Well, I figured out who stabbed him. And the thing is, they escaped!"

Officer Rob sat up and looked at him in surprise.

"Who?" He asked incredulously, leaning across his desk.

"Velvet," Kid Ritz said quietly, "Velvet tried to kill her own brother."

Officer Rob slapped his forehead. "I knew they shouldn't have been put together!"

Kid Ritz nodded before asking, "What are we going to do?"

The officer stood up and grabbed his walkie talkie. "We'll need to organize a search party; Velvet is dangerous, and as long as she's out there, nobody's safe."

He quickly left the room, leaving Kid Ritz alone with his thoughts.

Kid Ritz returned to the prison, to find the FBI in Velvet and Veneer's cell. They were taking blood samples, finding fingerprints and looking for the shard of glass. He looked over one of their shoulders. The investigator jumped, when she noticed Kid Ritz behind her. She turned around and sighed in relief.

"Hey Ritz! You scared me!" She said hugging him.

"Sorry, Orchid! How's the investigation going?"

Orchid sighed. "We found Velvet's fingerprints and we've just sent them in for identification. I can't believe she would do such a thing. And to think I was in love with her..."

Kid Ritz patted her shoulder. "I don't blame you. Everyone loved Velvet and Veneer. Even me!"

Orchid nodded sadly. "But Ritz, how could anyone do that?!"

Kid Ritz looked around before whispering, "I don't know, but we shouldn't talk about it here. Do you want to come visit Veneer with me later? We can talk about it on the way."

Orchid smiled. "I'd love to!"

Kid Ritz gave her another hug, before heading to the store to buy Veneer a little something to cheer him up. 

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