Chapter Seven: Visiting Veneer

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Veneer was laying in bed, flipping through a lingerie magazine. He dog eared a page, smiling mischievously.

"Floyd would look cute in that," He said to himself.

Suddenly, his door burst open, and Kid Ritz ran in. Veneer quickly shut his magizine and hid it underneath his soft, fuzzy blanket. He tried to look happy, but he was so sick and tired of Kid Ritz trying to profess his undying love for him. He stretched his face into a smile, something seriously hard to do when he looked at that face.

"Hey Ritz," He said blankly.

"VENEER!" Kid Ritz shouted, wrapping Veneer in a rib-crushing hug. "I'm so glad to see you!"

Veneer made a face and tried to extract himself from Kid Ritz's grip. "Uh, yeah, good to see you too, Ritz. What brings you here?"

There was a light giggle from the door, and Orchid stepped in.

"Hey, Veneer! How are you feeling?" She asked, giving him a small wave.

"Oh, I'm feeling okay, I guess. Who are you again?" Veneer asked, a little embarrassed.

Orchid smiled before reminding him. "I'm Orchid. We used to pass each other in the hallways, remember? You were always bumping into me."

"Oh, You're Orchid. Velvet has a HUGE crush on you." Veneer covered him mouth in horror when he realized what he had just said. 

Orchid's jaw dropped to the ground, and her face turned a dark purple. "She likes me?!" She asked Veneer.

Veneer looked at her, biting his lip. "Yes. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to tell you. Velvet can't know. Please, please don't tell her. She'll try and kill me all over again!" His eyes teared up, fearing what would happen if Orchid slipped up.

Orchid gave him a sad smile, and grabbed his hand. "I will never tell Velvet anything. Heck, I don't even know where she is. The one thing I do know, is that she was a shitty sister to you, and you didn't deserve any of it."

A tear ran down Veneer's cheek, and Orchid wiped it off with a trembling finger. Kid Ritz cleared his throat, and Orchid jumped. She backed up, and Kid Ritz walked over to Veneer. He sat down, and Veneer squirmed uncomfortably. He tried to shift his magazine, but the smell of sour candy grabbed his attention. He scooted back in his bed, as Kid Ritz pulled multiple bags of candy out of a grocery bag.

"I brought you some candy. I hope you like sour!" Kid Ritz said, smiling.

Veneer looked around uncomfortably. He hated sour candy, mainly because of Velvet. When he was seven, he accidently told his parents that Velvet was crushing on a girl. She had shoved multiple sour skittles down his throat, until it was rubbed raw.

"Actually, Ritz..." Veneer muttered, shielding his face. "I prefer sweet to sour. Sorry!"

Kid Ritz's face fell, and he place the candy on the ground by his feet.

"That's okay." He mumbled. Then his face lit up. He turned towards Veneer and leaned close to his face.

"I can give you something sweet," He whispered into Veneer's ear.

Veneer opened his mouth to argue, but it was too late; Kid Ritz pressed his warm, lilac lips onto Veneer's. Veneer gasped, and tried to pull away, but the grip Kid Ritz had on his face was too powerful. Veneer groaned, and tried to kick him off. Orchid gasped, and grabbed Kid Ritz by the waist. She tried to pull him off of Veneer. She was successful, and Kid Ritz fell onto the ground.

"Leave him alone, you jerk!" Orchid shouted, dragging him to the other side of the hospital room.

He glared at her. "He liked it! Didn't you, Ven?"

Orchid put her hands on her hips and looked at Veneer. He shook his head in terror.

"Well, Ritz. Looks like you were wrong. And for God's sake, he was just stabbed in the heart by his sister. Give him a break, and stop acting like a mother fucking rapist!" 

Kid Ritz looked at Orchid in disgust, before stomping out of the room.

Veneer grinned. "Thanks, Orchid. That was honestly terrifying!"

Orchid laughed, and bent down to pick up the candies. "You're welcome. I'm assuming you don't want to keep these though," She motioned to the candies she was holding.

Veneer shook his head. "Take them! Burn them for all I care. Just another bad memory involving sour candy! Just what I needed today." He rolled his eyes.

Orchid smiled, and pulled a twix bar out of her purse. "I think this may be more your style." She handed it to Veneer, and he unwrapped it immediately.

"Mmm! Thanks for everything." He took a bite of the candy, and let out a content sigh.

Orchid gave him a knowing smile as she walked out the door.

"And I bet you're right," She added on the way out. "Floyd would look cute in that."

Veneer looked at Orchid in shock, as the door closed behind her. He blushed, and pulled the magazine back out, imagining the circumstances he'd see Floyd in that outfit. 

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