Chapter Thirteen: Trolls Just Wanna Have Fun

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As Branch and Viva were walking down to the ocean, they were making small talk.

"Wow, it's like I can talk to you about anything, Viv!" branch told Viva.

Viva blushed and looked down. She felt really guilty, but it was overrun with the lust in her heart for Branch.

"Thank you, Branch. It feels like I've known you forever." Viva embraced Branch in a loving hug.

'I wish it could stay like this forever,' Viva thought to herself. They quickly pulled away from each other, both extremely flustered.

The two continued walking down to the ocean. Viva broke into a run and splashed into the blue, sparkling water. Branch laughed as she sent a splash in his direction.

"C'mon, Branch!" Viva shouted, motioning for him to follow her into the water.

Branch sighed. He didn't feel like getting his clothes wet, but couldn't resist the thought of spending more time with Viva. He slipped out of his vest, and strolled into the ocean.

Viva blushed at the sight of Branch's bare chest. Branch saw Viva looking at him, and he blushed profusely. Viva grabbed Branch's hand and placed it around her waist. She wrapped her arms around Branch's neck and buried her head in his chest.

Branch could feel his heart race quicken, and his breathing became labored. He ran his hand down the inside of her thigh. Viva gasped, trying to keep her legs from shaking in desire.

She looked up at Branch with pleading eyes, and he couldn't resist any longer.

Branch pulled her closer, pressing her body against his. Branch kissed her neck, trailing his lips down to her collarbone. Viva threw her head back in pleasure, her fingers tangling in Branch's hair.

"Branch," She whispered, her breath shuddering.

"Hmm?" He tugged at her skirt.

"People could be watching us..." Viva turned her head.

The sandy area of the beach was clear, but a few of Bruce's kids were in the water, playing with a beach ball.

"Do you want to go inside?" Branch asked Viva, taking her hand.

Viva nodded shyly, and dragged him onto the shore. Branch bent down to grab his vest, before walking towards Viva's room. Viva blushed when she realized what Branch wanted to do. She followed him inside, ready to make some love.

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