Chapter Twelve: Caught by Creek

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♪"You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine. Just own the night, like the Fourth of July. 'Cause baby, you're a firework! Come on, show 'em what you're worth!"♪ Poppy sang, bouncing around in her hot air balloon.

Poppy twirled and continued to hum the chorus. She bent down and picked an apple up out of her backpack. She took a few bites before reaching back into her bag. She pulled her hand back out, holding an orange medicine bottle labeled 'Birth Control'. She opened it and immediately slapped her forehead; she only had two pills left, which wouldn't be enough to get her through the week.

"There probably won't be any boys to worry about at a GIRL'S night out," Poppy reassured herself.

Sure, she and Branch were thinking about trying for a baby, but they hadn't actually planned it all out. It was in her dad's wishes that she be on birth control in the first place.

"Dad won't notice if I miss a few days, right?" She asked herself, before taking her dose of the day.

Suddenly, Poppy felt the basket tremble, and the whole hot air balloon began to fall to the ground. She tried to hold onto the side of the basket, but her hand slipped and she let go.

Poppy tumbled out of the basket, and began hurtling towards a field of orange and blue flowers. She clenched her eyes shut, bracing for impact. But she never hit the ground; she felt a pair of warm hands catch her around the waist. Poppy's eyes were still shut, and right before she could open them, a soft voice whispered in her ear.

"Hello Princess," The voice purred.

Poppy quickly opened her eyes.

"Creek!" She growled, struggling to escape his grasp.

Creek chuckled, holding onto her tightly. "Don't worry, Princess. I won't hurt you."

"What are you doing here?" Poppy demanded, still trying to wriggle out of his arms.

"He's helping me," A voice crooned from behind the two.

Poppy turned her head and gasped in shock. Standing seven feet above her was none other than Velvet, the superstar singer who kidnapped and tortured Brozone!

Tears welled in Poppy's eyes as she continued to struggle.

"What's he helping you with?" She asked, squirming around.

Velvet bent down and took Poppy out of Creek's grasp. She squeezed Poppy, causing her breath to shudder.

"Payback," Velvet whispered softly.

"What did I ever do to you?!" Tears ran freely down Poppy's rosy cheeks.

"You ruined my life!" Creek piped up from underneath Velvet.

Poppy glared at him. "You cannot be talking! You tried to kill all of troll village!"

Creek shrugged. "I wanted to live..."

"So the lives of all other trolls didn't matter?! I thought you loved me!" Poppy screamed in anger, desperately trying to escape Velvet's tight grip.

Velvet laughed, as she twirled Poppy's hair.

"I did love you, and I still do." Creek replied, walking towards the white cottage behind them.

Velvet followed him, Poppy still screaming in desperation. Creek opened the door with his hair, and Velvet cut in front of him. She walked down the hallway, heading straight towards the door in the middle. Creek gasped.

"So, you're finally going to show me what's in there?" Creek asked excitedly.

Velvet opened the door and Creek ran in. The room was beautiful. The walls were painted sage green, and white bookshelves lined the back wall. In the middle of the wall, the bookshelves were cut out and a bed lay inside the hole. Right next to the bed was a desk, with lots of candy and snacks on it.

Velvet threw Poppy onto the bed, before locking her inside.

"Velvet!" Creek yelled, banging on the door. "You locked me inside too!"

"I know," She smirked.

"What am I supposed to do here?" He asked through the door.

"You know what to do," Velvet told him mischievously.

Velvet walked down the hall, leaving Creek and Poppy alone in the bedroom.

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