Chapter Nine: Fight for your Life

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Floyd was shaking as he and his brothers walked into the hospital. John Dory used his hair to launch himself onto the front desk. The woman sitting there looked up grumpily.

"Who are you here for?" she asked, handing John Dory a clipboard.

He stumbled a bit, because the clipboard was way bigger than him. He managed to place it in front of him, and attempted to write with the pencil she had given him.

"Veneer," He sputtered, as he wrote his name on the sign in sheet.

"Alright, he's in room 303, third floor," She directed, snatching the clipboard.

John Dory jumped down, and pushed his brothers towards the elevator. The brothers all quickly rushed into it, and Clay pressed the button. Floyd cringed when he heard the music that was playing. Apparently, Velvet and Veneer's songs were still super popular, since the elevator music was their single, "Watch me Work,"

"Seriously?" Floyd asked under his breath.

"I know, right?!" Bruce whispered from next to him. "They're still popular after what they did!?"

Floyd shook his head. "I don't think so. It seems the lady at the front desk is getting a little lazy!"

Bruce smiled as the door to the elevator opened, and two mount rageons stepped in. Floyd tensed, as he recognized both of them. One of them was the reporter who had interviewed the twins. The other one looked like the mount rageon who had captured him and given him to Velvet. The two appeared to be arguing, and they didn't notice the four little trolls beneath them. The brothers made to get out, but the door closed, trapping them.

"Seriously, Ritz! After all you did, I should turn YOU in to the police!" The girl said, almost stepping on Floyd.

Floyd let out a small gasp, and she looked down in shock. Floyd covered his mouth in terror. She bent down and quickly snatched him in her hands. Floyd squirmed around in her tight grip, as his brothers watched in complete horror.

"YOU!" Floyd growled, looking the girl dead in the eyes.

"That's Orchid to you, Floyd!" She tightened her grip even more, and Floyd gagged.

"Hey!" John Dory shouted, as the elevator door opened. "Leave our brother alone!"

Orchid paled, as those in the waiting room looked curiously at the scene unfolding in the elevator. Kid Ritz smirked at her predicament.

"Looks like you're not innocent either," He whispered, before strolling casually out of the elevator.

Orchid dropped Floyd onto the ground, and quickly followed Kid Ritz out of the hospital.

Floyd's brothers all stared at him in shock, as he pushed himself off the ground.

"Who were those two?" Clay asked, pointing a shaking finger at the door.

"Well, the guy was Kid Ritz, the interviewer who... interviewed." Floyd said, pressing the button for the third floor.

"We only care about the one who grabbed you! Who was that bitch and why the fuck did she grab you!?" Bruce shouted, throwing up his hands.

Floyd looked at his hands, which were still trying to regain their original light- blue color.

"Her name is Orchid apparently. I think she had a crush on Velvet. She knew everything about her, even the fact that she couldn't sing. One day, while I was picking berries, she captured me. She took me to Velvet, and told her my essence would help her sing." Floyd grimaced as his brothers all growled in anger.

"She deserves to be locked up too!" John Dory growled.

Floyd nodded sadly, as the elevator door opened. The brothers all ran out, before anyone else could try to kidnap Floyd. They walked down the hall, and stopped when they reached room 303. Bruce placed a consoling hand on Floyd's shoulder, causing all his fear to melt away. John Dory softly knocked on the door, and a soft voice whispered "Come in,"

Floyd shivered. All this drama was killing him, quite literally.

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