Chapter Ten: Bailing Out a Beast

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John Dory used his hair to open the door to Veneer's hospital room. Floyd looked at his brothers and they all nodded at him. Floyd took a breath, and shuffled inside. Veneer's face lit up when he saw his visitor.

"Floyd!" He shouted happily.

Floyd gave Veneer a small wave as he ambled towards his hospital bed. Veneer smoothed his blanket, and motioned for Floyd to sit next to him. Floyd jumped up, and gave Veneer's finger a hug. Veneer chuckled.

"So, what brings you here, Floyd?" Veneer asked nervously. "You should be careful around here. Velvet's on the loose!"

"Oh, I know." Floyd smiled sadly. "And it stinks that she tried to kill you,"

Veneer groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Ugh! Don't remind me,"

Floyd blushed. "Oh, right. Um, sorry."

"It's okay," Veneer said. "But you didn't answer my question! Why are you visiting me, after everything I did..."

Floyd looked around nervously. His brothers all gave him thumbs up, and Floyd took a breath to steady himself.

"The truth is, ever since I met you, you've been on my mind. I think you're pretty great, even if other people can't see that. I came here today to bail you out from prison. In my personal opinion, you were innocent, and you couldn't get away from your abusive sister."

Veneer looked at Floyd, pleasantly surprised. "Wow, Floyd! Thank you! I- um.. I feel the same way about you."

Floyd looked at Veneer for a second, before launching himself onto Veneer's cheek and giving it a big hug. Veneer laughed and twirled Floyd's magenta hair. There were a few titters from the doorframe, and Veneer looked up, surprised to see Floyd's brothers.

Veneer sat up, and Floyd tumbled onto the bed. Veneer picked him up, before facing the rest of brozone.

"Hey guys," He started. "I'm so sorry about what me and Velvet did to you. We had no right to use your talent for our personal gain, and I'm truly sorry."

John Dory chuckled. "No sweat bro,"

"Yeah, it's all in the past," Clay added, walking towards Veneer.

The others all hopped onto Veneer's bed and hugged him tightly. Veneer smiled, extremely grateful for the forgiveness these brothers had given him.

Floyd started pacing on Veneer's bed, thinking about how they were going to find Velvet. He was deep in thought when he suddenly set foot on something crinkly under Veneer's blanked. He dove underneath, before Veneer could figure out what he was doing. Floyd wiggled around, and grabbed the magazine that made the sound.

"VeNeeR!" Floyd shouted in shock. "Why do you have a troll lingerie magazine under your blanket?!"

Veneer blushed furiously, before snatching the magazine quickly.

"I don't know how that got there," He lied.

"Uh huh, then why is this page dog-eared with MY name written on it?!" Floyd asked, smirking.

Veneer bit his lip, and looked down guiltily.

"I'm sorry," Veneer's face flushed.

Floyd layed a gentle kiss on Veneer's hand. Veneer sighed and looked at Floyd with tears in his eyes.

"Listen Ven, I think you are absolutely amazing. You don't need to feel the need to hide that from me. That honestly made my day. I would look good in that though, wouldn't I?" Floyd struck a sexy pose and Veneer giggled.

Veneer looked at the magazine he had just been caught with, and threw it to the side. Floyd jumped back onto Veneer's face and snuggled on his cheek. Floyd's brothers decided to wait outside, and give the two some time alone.

After a few minutes, the brothers re-entered with an amazing feast. Veneer's eyes lit up, and he lunged forward, grabbing a biscuit out of Bruce's hands. Floyd jumped off of Veneer's face, grabbed a packet of honey and turned back towards him.

"Honey?" Floyd asked sweetly.

Veneer choked on his biscuit, and looked at Floyd in surprise.

"Oh!" Floyd gasped, and blushed in embarrassment. "I was just wondering if you wanted honey on your biscuit..."

Veneer took a sip of his water, trying not to show Floyd any emotion.

"I think I'm more of a butter person, but thanks anyways." He brushed the crumbs off his blanket.

Floyd nodded his head.

"That's fine, I'll go find you some!" Floyd hopped off the bed and made to run out of the room, when Veneer called out his name.

"Um, Floyd? I don't really mind if you call me that..." Veneer grinned slyly.

Floyd blushed and quickly strolled out of the room, in search of the butter for his honey.


Floyd was a little straightforward in this chapter, something that I think perfectly fits his personality. Veneer's a little scared to open up to others and be in new relationships, but Floyd's definitely going to help Veneer with this as the story progresses. Thank you so much for reading! I love y'all so much!!!!


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