Chapter Thirty- Seven: This is Why You Lock Your Door

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Floyd grabbed Branch's hand, and pulled him up.

"It's getting late, Branch, you need to get some sleep."

Branch shook his head. "I can't sleep knowing Poppy's in danger."

"We'll look for her, I promise. Veneer can help us, but for now you need a good night's rest. You haven't gotten one of those in a while." Floyd said consolingly.

"You're right..." Branch sighed. "But I'm just so worried about her!"

"And you have every right to be," Floyd said, pulling Branch into a hug. "But tonight, I won't leave your side. I'll be right here when you need me,"

"Thank you, Floyd," Branch answered, his voice shaking.

"Of course," Floyd answered, pulling out of the embrace. "I'm going to go get Veneer settled and tell him what's been going on, and I'll meet you in your room in about fifteen minutes."

Branch nodded. "Okay,"

Floyd gave Branch a small smile, before turning a round and running towards the bar.

Floyd ran up to the bar, where Brandy was filling up a shot glass for Veneer. Veneer took it and drank it slowly.

"Would you like another one?" Brandy asked, taking the glass.

Veneer shook his head. "No thanks, I don't really think alcohol is my thing... could I have a sprite?"

Brandy gave Veneer a smile, and turned around to get his desired drink.

"Hey, Veneer!" Floyd said, jumping on Veneer's lap.

"Hi," Veneer mumbled, looking away.

"What's the matter?" Floyd asked worriedly.

"You keep putting me in the dark, Floyd! You said you would tell me what happened, but instead you ran away! Is it because of me?!"

Floyd's eyes widened. "No, no, no! Of course it's not because of you! I'll tell you what happened, right now."

Veneer nodded stiffly. "Okay, let's hear it,"

Floyd jumped on the counter in front of Veneer. "So what happened in the closet; Viva apologized to Branch, and Branch forgave her. Odd, I know. Viva admitted she liked Clay, and they maybe started dating?"

Veneer leaned in, his eyes widening. "Damn,"

"And then, someone brought up Poppy, and we realized she's been at girl's night for a while. Branch and I ran to start searching for the invitation, but were interrupted by Bridget and Gristle, the Bergens. They wanted to come tell Poppy that they're having a baby, but Branch told them that Poppy's missing. Bridget offered to help look, and she ended up finding the invitation. I went over to John Dory and got the one he had gotten from your sister, and gave it to Branch. The writing was identical, which means..."

"Velvet has Poppy," Veneer finished.

Floyd nodded. "We're going to figure out a search plan tomorrow morning, but for now, we all need some rest. I'm here to escort you to your hotel room."

"Ugh, I can't believe she would do that," Veneer said, covering his face with his hands.

"I can," Floyd grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Fair, she is a bitch," Veneer said, picking Floyd up in his hands. "But I'm sure when we find her, we'll teach her a lesson."

"Sounds like fun," Floyd smiled, pecking Veneer on the cheek.

"Oh it will be," Veneer said with a smirk. "So where's my room?"

"Number 13," Floyd answered, pointing towards a hallway in the corner of the building. "I have to go check on Branch, and I'll be staying with him all night, so if you need anything, I'll be in there and you can let me know."

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