Chapter Twenty- Six: Forgotten

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Poppy clenched her eyes shut as her intestines squirmed around once more. Then, without warning, she leaned over the bed, and puked her guts out.

She coughed and sputtered, bile dripping from her lips. She felt weak and exhausted, her body shaking uncontrollably. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, trying to catch her breath. Her stomach still churned, but she didn't have anything left to throw up. She collapsed back onto the bed, feeling drained and miserable.

She groaned and rolled onto her side, curling into a ball. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this terrible. Her head was pounding, her body ached, and her stomach felt like it was tying itself in knots.

The smell was revolting, it was enough to make Poppy barf all over again. She knew she needed to clean it up, but it was physically impossible. The only thing she could think of was to call for help.

"Creek? Velvet? I- I need help," Poppy whimpered, praying that one of them had heard her.

There were a few muffled bangs, before Velvet grudged into the room.

"Ugh! Creek, seriously?" She groaned, her head still pointing out the door.

Poppy could hear Creek's laughter coming from the hallway, but didn't even have the energy to roll her eyes.

"Oh lord," Velvet turned her head and huffed in frustration when she saw the mess Poppy had made.

Creek suddenly appeared behind Velvet, his expression changing from confusion to disgust as he saw the mess.

"Oh my god, Poppy. What the fuck did you do?" Creek asked, cringing at the sight.

"I-I don't know..." Poppy whispered, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

"Well. there's no way I'm cleaning that up," Creek informed Velvet, nodding his head.

Before Velvet could respond, he ran out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Bitch," Velvet muttered, looking at the door in anger.

Poppy shifted in her blankets uncomfortably. She knew Velvet was going to question why she was suddenly sick.

"Why am I always cleaning up after you?" Velvet grunted as she grabbed a towel.

"I don't know... but I really am sorry," Poppy said softly.

"Do you usually get sick when you're on your period?" Velvet asked, plugging her nose.

"No, my period ended already," Poppy told her, feeling embarrassed.

"What? How? You were only on it for one day?!" Velvet looked at Poppy incredulously.

Poppy nodded. "For trolls, we get our period for one to two days, and get it every week,"

"That's weird," Velvet said, scooping the wet towels into the trash can.

"Well, how does it work for you?" Poppy asked curiously.

"Mount Rageons get their period for one whole week, each month." Velvet grumbled, clearly jealous of the lack of pain trolls had to experience.

"Well we make up for it by having really heavy flows..." Poppy said, trying to cheer Velvet up.

"Do you really think I give a fuck?" Velvet asked, spraying lemon cleaner on the ground.

"Yeah... I guess not..." Poppy said sadly.

"Okay, you're all clean," Velvet motioned to the floor, completely free of the mess poppy had made.

"Thank you," Poppy said, looking at Velvet through teary eyes.

Suddenly, Velvet thought of something.

"Um Poppy?" Velvet looked at Poppy for a second, her mind whirring.


"D-did Creek use a condom?"

Poppy's eyes widened, taken aback by her random question. But she answered it nonetheless.

"No, he didn't," She said sadly.

Velvet nodded, and left the room. After she closed the door, she leaned against it, and ran her fingers through her hair. She felt tears prick the back of her eyes.

How could Creek have possibly forgotten something THAT important? She ran to Veneer's room, where Creek was staying.

"Creek?!" She gasped, looking around the room.

"Hm?" He mumbled from under the pillows on Veneer's bed.

"Where did you put the bag?" She asked frantically.

Creek stuck his hand out of the mound of pillows, and pointed to the corner of the room.

Velvet quickly grabbed it, and rummaged through the contents.

"Shit!" Velvet cried out, pulling out a pack of unused condoms. 

'Why didn't he use them?!'  She thought, her breathing becoming more and more labored.

"What?" Creek asked, completely oblivious to Velvet and her oncoming panic attack.

"Y-you, s-sh-she, s-sick..." Velvet sobbed, burying her face in her hands.

"Velvet?! What did I do?" Creek asked, sitting up.

"N-nothing..." Velvet wiped her eyes and quickly shuffled out of the room.

She ran to her room, and flopped onto her bed, thinking about the sudden realization she had just had; Creek had forgotten something very important, and Poppy was going to be living the result of his lust and greed for the rest of her life.

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