Chapter Forty: Flashbacks

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Velvet heard the front door unlock, and she ran down the stairs.

'Mom!' She shouted happily.

'Hi, honey,' her mom replied, pulling Velvet into a hug. 'How was your day?'

'It was okay, I guess,' Velvet muttered. 'Ritz was being really annoying today.'

'Oh? What did he do?'

'He wouldn't take his eyes off Veneer! It's not fair that nobody looks at me that way!'

'Honey, you're 13. It's normal for no one to look at you like that. Kid Ritz... has feelings for Veneer. It's not your fault.'

Velvet sighed. 'I know, but it still sucks.'

'I know, honey. But you're still young. You'll find someone who looks at you the way you want to be looked at.'

Velvet nodded. 'I guess.'

'In the meantime, you have me and your dad. We'll always look at you like you're the most important person in the world.'

Velvet smiled. 'Thanks, Mom.'

'You're welcome, honey.'

Velvet's mom hugged her again. 'Now go get your homework done. Dinner will be ready soon.'

Velvet obliged, and trudged up the stairs.

She started to work on her grueling algebra, and was almost done with it, when there was a knock at her door.

'Come in,' She said, twisting around in her swivel chair.

The door opened, and her dad walked in.

'Hey, dad!' Velvet exclaimed, jumping out of her chair and hugging him.

'Hi sweetheart, how was your day?'

'It was okay, I guess.' Velvet muttered.

'Was it though? I heard you and your mom talking about it.'

Velvet sighed, pulling out of the hug.

'It's just not fair! Veneer doesn't like anyone, so why does he have someone so deeply in love with him?!'

'Well, honey, I love you.'

'That doesn't count!' Velvet snapped. 'You have to love me, you're my dad!'

Her dad chuckled darkly. 'Not like that sweetie.'

Her dad pulled her into another hug, but ran his hand down her back as he did, taking the zipper of her dress with it.

Velvet gasped and tried to pull away, but her dad was too strong. He pushed her down on her bed and pinned her arms above her head.

'What are you doing?' Velvet cried.

'I'm going to show you how much I love you,' her dad said.

He began to kiss her neck and chest, and Velvet struggled against him.

She opened her mouth to scream, but her dad quickly cupped a hand over her mouth.

He continued to kiss and caress her, and Velvet felt herself starting to give in. She had always loved her dad, and she wanted to make him happy.

But she knew this was wrong. She found a new strength and pushed her dad away.

'Get away from me!' she shouted. 'I hate you!'

Her dad looked at her in shock.

'You hate me?' he said. 'But I'm your father.'

'You're not my father!' Velvet cried. 'You're a monster!'

She ran out of her room and into the hallway. She could hear her dad following her, but she didn't stop running until she reached Veneer's bedroom.

She slammed the door shut and locked it. She leaned against the door, breathing heavily.

Veneer looked up from his book and noticed how scared his sister looked.

'Vels? Are you okay?' He asked worriedly.

Velvet nodded her head quickly.

'Yeah, I'm fine! Me and dad are just... um... playing hide and seek!' Velvet said breathlessly.

'Ooh! Fun! Can I play?' Veneer bounced on his bed, shutting his book.

'NO! Oh, um, I meant, no, it's almost time for dinner!'

Veneer raised an eyebrow, but got up. He walked to the door and tried to unlock it, but Velvet wouldn't take her hand off the handle.

'Velvet! What's going on?!' Veneer asked in exasperation.

Velvet opened her mouth, but closed it quickly. She shook her head as she unlocked the door.



'Mom?' Velvet asked, pulling her mom aside after dinner.

'What is it?' Her mom asked absentmindedly, scrolling on her phone.

'Um, dad... he...'

'Make it snappy, I have a meeting to go to soon, your dad will be watching you and Veneer.'

Velvet's eyes widened.

'Don't leave me here with dad!' She begged, tears in her eyes.

'Why not?' Her mom asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

'Because... he.. raped me.' Velvet said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

'Did he now?' Her mom asked, raising her eyebrows. 'I didn't hear anything.'

'That's because he covered my mouth!' Velvet said desperately.

'Mhm, well, I've known your dad since we were kids, and he would NEVER do that. Lying is not how you get attention honey, and you know that. I have to go. Tell Veneer goodbye for me.'

Her mom kissed her on the head, before heading out the back door. Velvet collapsed onto the hard, linoleum floor and started to cry. The one person she trusted and loved the most, didn't believe her. There was no one else to confide in.


Velvet's mom had called a family meeting. The four of them sat around their kitchen table, before her mom broke the news.

'Your father and I are getting a divorce,' she said simply, folding her hands in her lap.

Velvet's jaw dropped, and Veneer broke down into silent sobs.

'We've talked to a lawyer and agreed that I shall have full custody of you two, and your father can visit on holidays.'

Velvet nodded stiffly, while Veneer whimpered 'Okay,"

'Your father,' She continued, 'Will be continuing to work at the dentist office, while I will start doing house calls as a normal doctor.'

Velvet opened her mouth to ask something, but her mother cut her off.

'This does not have to do with anything I have heard from anyone, we both agree that it's time for us to go our separate ways.'

Velvet turned her head to look at her dad, and he nodded gruffly.

She excused herself from the table, and ran to her room.

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