Chapter Three: Phone Call With Fate

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Floyd sat by the ocean, munching on some nachos, while staring at the sunrise. Branch walked up and plopped down beside him.

"Nachos for breakfast?" He asked his older brother, smiling.

"Mhm" Floyd nodded.

"You okay, Floyd?" Branch asked, looking at him worriedly.

Floyd sighed. "Yeah, it's just... well, I can't get him outta my head! Arrrgh!"

Branch cocked his head "Get who out of your head?"

Floyd blushed. "Erm, well, Veneer."

Branch stood up angrily. "WHAT?! All you can think about is him? The guy who assisted his sister in torturing and almost killing you?!"

Floyd nodded sheepishly. "He couldn't help it. Velvet is terrible! He couldn't let me escape, or Velvet would have killed him! He just seemed so nice, and I got this weird feeling when I was around him."

Branch opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Bruce, who was running as fast as could towards the two of them.

"Floyd!" He gasped, trying to catch his breath. "Brandy just got a call from the Mount Rageous Police Department! Veneer's in the hospital; Velvet tried to kill him!"

Branch gasped, and covered his mouth with his hand. Floyd, however, was overcome with grief. He curled into a ball, trying not to cry. Branch and Bruce both tried to comfort him, but it was no use. Floyd was unreachable.

"What's going on?" Clay asked, approaching the trio. "Is Floyd okay?"

"I'm not sure," Branch said, looking at Clay worriedly.

Suddenly, Floyd got up, and ran to the bar. Brandy looked up from her notebook when Floyd approached her.

"Hey Floyd," She whispered, "I'm on the phone with the hospital."

Floyd hopped onto a barstool before asking,

"Is he alright?"

Brandy sighed. "I'm on hold, but I'm sure we'll find out soon."

Floyd nodded and uttered a little prayer.

A few minutes later, their call was answered. Brandy jumped in surprise.

"Hello? Yes, this is she. No. Yes. Yes. No." 

Floyd jumped up, eager to hear what was happening.

Brandy teared up. "He did? That's wonderful. Okay, yes. Uh-huh. alright!"

She hung up the phone and smiled at Floyd.

"He's alive," She said happily. "And he said something a few minutes ago."

"What did he say?
" Floyd asked, twiddling his thumbs

Brandy sighed. "He said 'Floyd'."

Floyd gasped in shock. He felt himself blushing, so he covered his face and quickly ordered a drink. Brandy smirked, waiting for him to realize it was 9 am. After a few minutes, his drink was ready: A piña colada with extra cherry syrup.

"Thanks," Floyd said, slurping up hid drink in less than 5 seconds.

"You're welcome. Oh, I almost forgot! I'm not sure if this is in your budget, but there's a way to get Veneer out of prison for good."

Floyd's eyes lit up. Then he coughed.

"Erm, why did you think I wanted to know that?"

Brandy giggled. "You were blushing. And, you ordered a piña colada at 9 A.M in the morning. I can't tell you how many drinks Bruce ordered until he had the guts to ask me out!"

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