Chapter Eleven: Change of Heart

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"Hey, Branch!" Viva exclaimed, skipping into his room.

"Hey, Viva," Branch mumbled from under his blanket.

Viva walked over to Branch's bed, and lifted up the blanket.

"Branch? What's wrong?" Viva asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I'm not sure. I think I'm just worried about Poppy." Branch sat up, and looked at Viva through teary eyes.

Viva hugged him "Poppy will be fine...wherever she is"

Branch looked at Viva, a mixture of shock and sadness etched upon his face.

Viva laughed. "I'm just kidding, Branch! She went to visit her friends, the rock trolls. Now, c'mon. I know something that will make you feel better!"

Branch shrugged. "Probably not,"

"Branch! Poppy is fine! Let's go make candy necklaces that we'll never finish because we eat all the candy!" Viva dragged him into her room, before pulling out candy and strings.

Branch crossed his arms over his chest, but started to make a necklace. He grabbed mainly pinks, but decided to add a bit of color. He picked up a yellow candy, and began to do a pattern of pink, dark pink, and yellow. Viva started to giggle and Branch looked up, unamused.

"What?!" He grumbled, popping a piece of candy in his mouth.

"The colors you chose... those colors look like me!" Viva told him, biting her lip.

Branch looked up into Viva's sparkling amaranth eyes. He felt his face redden, and he quickly shoved another piece of candy in his mouth.

'No, no, no!' Branch thought, chewing his candy. 'I'm NOT in love with Viva! I'm in love with Poppy!'

"Branch?" Viva's voice brought him back to reality. "Do you like me?"

Branch chuckled nervously "As a friend? Well, yes, of course!"

Viva rolled her eyes and scooched herself next to Branch.

"Not like that, silly!" She said, tying his necklace around him.

Branch looked down and pretended to be disgusted.

"Oh, Viva! Your fingernails... we need to fix them quick!" He ran to her medicine cabinet, and pulled out multiple nail polishes.

Viva laughed. "Okay Branch. But honestly I think they look fine!"

Branch grabbed her hand and started to point out everything wrong with her current manicure.

"Red is so last week," Branch groaned, covering his eyes with his hands.

Viva let out a small giggle, before pulling a soft yellow polish out of her cabinet.

"What do you think about this one?" She asked, holding up the bottle for him to see.

Branch nodded approvingly, and Viva sat down on the ground. Branch grabbed a bottle of nail polish remover before seating himself across from her. She held out her hands, and Branch gently began to wipe her current nail polish off.

As Branch stroked the polish on Viva's nails, she couldn't help but notice her heartbeat quickening. She sighed, and Branch looked up from her nails, which he was focusing on immensely.

"Viva, are you okay?" He asked her, genuinely concerned.

Viva felt her face redden, and resisted the urge to burst into tears. There was no way she was developing a crush on her sister's boyfriend, right?! She shook her head like a puppy, trying to get those thoughts out of her head. Branch looked at her for a second, seriously confused, before turning his attention back to Viva's nails.

When Branch had finished, Viva looked at her nails in awe. They were beautiful. Branch had added a sparkly magenta polish on top of the yellow, which sparkled in the light. Viva thanked him with a tight hug, before running out of her room, to check how they would look in the sunlight. Branch smiled. Hanging out with Viva DID make him feel better, but why? He shrugged.

'Viva is pretty amazing,' Branch thought, before following her outside.


Branch and Viva are going to spend lots of time together while Poppy and the rest of BroZone are gone. Along the way, Branch is going to mistake his admiration of Viva as something else.


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