Chapter Five: A Perfect Plan

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Velvet sighed happily, as she laid to rest under a shady Birch tree. Her plan was coming together nicely. She started to laugh an uncontrollable, maniac laugh, startling Creek, and causing him to fall out of the tree.

"What the actual heck?!" He asked Velvet, brushing himself off.

She scooped him up and he noticed how deranged she looked. "Uhm... are you okay?"

"Okay? OKAY?! I'm more than OKAY!" she practically shouted, squeezing the troll in her left hand.

"Ack! Velvet! What the fuck did you do?!" He asked, squirming around, trying to escape her grasp.

She dropped the troll on the ground and smiled at him. "I forged a letter inviting Queen Poppy to a girl's night out! Knowing the path she'll take, I'm going to trap her!"

Creek let out a soft groan and Velvet looked at him quizzically.

"Poppy and I used to date and we only ever got intimate twice," He explained. "But Branch just so happened to walk in on us!"

"That must of been awkward," Velvet smirked, twirling a strand of her bright green hair.

He nodded. "Extremely. I eventually had to end things with Poppy by selling her, and the rest of Troll Village, out in exchange for my life."

"Touché," Velvet murmured, taping him on the nose. "Do you mind getting into details?"

Creek rolled his eyes but obliged.



Creek pushed Poppy against the wall, blushing profoundly. Poppy let out a small whimper as he nibbled on her neck. She moaned, feeling her knees give out.

"What? You want more?"

Poppy grunted and her eyes fluttered. Creek could feel his cock throbbing, begging for release.

"I'll take that as a yes," He whispered into his girlfriend's ear as he gently tugged on her dress. Poppy's dress fell to reveal her trembling, petite body. He caressed her cheek and she let out a soft groan.

"My turn," Poppy said softly, untying Creek's sweatpants.

Creek stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. Poppy knocked him onto the ground and proceeded to kiss him. He felt a warmth spread through his body and out of his dick. Poppy had felt it, and looked down, surprised. Creek felt his cheeks up as Poppy let out a soft giggle.

"Let's continue where you left off," Poppy rolled over, pulling Creek on top of her.

Creek looked at Poppy hesitantly until she gave him a small nod. He nodded back, feeling his heart rate increase. He gently slid his lavender cock into her warm, quivering body, stopping when she let out a prolonged moan.

"That far enough for you, Princess?" Creek whispered in Poppy's ear.

"Mhm," She groaned, clenching her eyes shut.

Creek moved his hips forward and backwards, causing Poppy's body to tremble. They continued for what felt like hours. Poppy's breath was shuddering in pleasure, and she was trying her hardest not to moan.

"It's okay, let 'em out, Princess," Creek crooned, brushing Poppy's bangs out of her eyes. She sighed and let a small moan as someone knocked on the door. Creek abruptly stopped and cupped a hand over Poppy's mouth.

"Poppy? Are you in there?" A tentative voice asked from outside Poppy's room.

Creek cleared his throat, getting ready to to his best impression of Poppy, when the real Poppy let out a loud, uncontrollable moan.

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