Chapter Thirty- Five: Blast From The Past

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@Little_Reesie wrote the first half of this chapter

Velvet walked through the forest, pushing aside the foliage. Orchid followed after her, enjoying the silence.

The two walked for a while, until they reached the edge of the forest. Orchid continued walking, but Velvet had stopped in her tracks.

"Vel? What's wrong?" Orchid asked, turning around.

"What if someone recognizes me?!" Velvet asked nervously.

"No one's gonna recognize you," Orchid assured her.

Velvet bit her lip and nodded.

They continued walking, until they were completely out of the forest. As they left the forest, Velvet was greeted with the hustle and bustle of Mount Rageous.

"Missed this, have you?" Orchid asked with a smirk, looking at the surprise on Velvet's face.

"Yeah, I have," Velvet replied, looking around happily.

"Well, come on," Orchid motioned for Velvet to follow her. "We're going to my house!"


Velvet followed Orchid into the parking lot, and got into the passenger seat of Orchid's car. Orchid slid into the driver's seat and turned the car on.

"I'll call a doctor for Poppy," Orchid said, pulling out her phone.

"You're gonna call and drive at the same time?" Velvet asked incredulously.

Orchid rolled her eyes. "I have hands free calling," She answered, motioning to the phone stand she had set up.

"Cool," Velvet said, pulling out her phone.

"Girl, how long have you had that?" Orchid asked, looking at the phone Velvet had pulled out. "Didn't they take away your phone when you were arrested?"

"I sent Creek to go steal-"

"BUY" A voice inside her purse protested.

"Buy one," Velvet mumbled.

Orchid giggled, as she pulled out of her parking spot.

"Hey Aurora," Orchid said. "Call the nearest doctor."

"cALLiNg Dr. BeTtY" The phone spoke out.

Velvet suppressed a laugh at the childish voice that rang out through the speaker.

"Is there a way to change the way your phone talks?" She asked.

Orchid shook her head.

The phone rang once. Twice. Three times, before someone picked up.

"Hello?" The voice asked.

"Hi! My name is Orchid, and I was wondering if you could come to my house. It's kind of an emergency."

"Oh, of course hun! Where do you live?"

"380, Blossom Brook," Orchid said, as she pulled into her driveway.

"Okay, I'll be there in half an hour."

"Thank you! See you then." Orchid responded.

"CaLL eNdEd," The phone said.

Velvet giggled.

"We're here," Orchid exclaimed, turning off the car, and walking into her house. Velvet followed her inside.

"We have some time, so make yourself at home!"

Velvet nodded and sat down on the couch.

Thirty minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and Orchid ran down the stairs.

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