Chapter One:

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"You look gorgeous," Jack praised, his voice low in desire as he came up behind his wife as she straitened her pink pillbox hat in the mirror for the hundredth time.

She smiled as she watched him approach her in the mirror and slide his hands over her hips as he softly kissed up her neck whispering, "So, so beautiful."

"This must be your favorite, huh?" Jackie smirked as she turned around and rested her arms around his neck.

"That's why I picked it out for you today," Jack returned as he took a step back, grinning as he looked her over once again.

Her pink suit clung to her curves deliciously, the pink pillbox, which she was fussing over for five minutes, was sitting perfectly atop her luscious, dark brown hair, expertly coiffed and curled at the ends with her bangs brushed over to the side and poofed above her eyes in such a way it made her smoldering eyes look an impossibly dark brown.

"Jack?" Jackie called to him as she snapped her fingers in front of his face, making him jump as if shaken from a trance.

"Wh-what!? I wasn't drooling was I?" Jack spit out as his eyes quickly found hers.

"No," Jackie giggled as her white gloved hand came up to brush delicately under her bangs, a habit she found impossible to break. "But you looked pretty rabid in other ways."

"You're telling me," Jack grinned. "Too bad we're landing in 5, otherwise I would propose a little reenactment of yesterday."

"Would you now?" Jackie smirked as she put her hands on her hips and sashayed over to him. "You know...I'm feeling up to a challenge..."

"Jackie," Jack growled amused and aroused at the same time as he took a step back with each of her steps forward. "Don't tease. I know you wouldn't. You took all the time to make yourself look pretty; you're not going to mess it all up with a 5 minute romp."

"Oh I wouldn't?" Jackie teased, raising an eyebrow as she backed him into the wall, her face a mere five inches from his own.

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