Chapter Fifty-Eight:

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December 15th, 1964:

It was snowing hard outside as Jackie sat on the small window seat, her back to the wall and her knees to her chest, staring at the falling flakes while Jack laid on their bed holding up the speech he had written for his Inauguration. They were just about to head from Washington to Palm Beach when suddenly a huge blizzard hit, keeping them in place for at least the rest of the day. So now, instead of traveling, Jackie sat with Jack in silence, just thinking, while he went over his speech, his lips quietly forming each word.

She found herself smiling as her thoughts wondered to Thanksgiving and her children's birthdays at Wexford. Caroline insisted to have her and John's parties outside and then at night they made a fire and ate s'mores. It was definitely one of the most memorable birthdays with the kids.

Of course the next day they had to have Thanksgiving inside which got Caroline protesting for a good hour but she later settled down.

Soon her thoughts faded and she took her eyes off the wonderland outside to let them fall upon where Jack was now staring thoughtfully at the ceiling, his speech face-down on his chest. She let her eyes wander lazily over his face and body for a few seconds before turning back to the white world behind the frozen glass.

"You know you don't need to sit way over by that cold window," Jack spoke up with a smirk, causing her to bring her eyes back to him. "You can come by me; I don't bite."

"Liar," Jackie teased as she slid off the window seat and walked over to him.

"I'm sorry we couldn't be in Palm Beach today," Jack apologized as he watched her climb onto the bed.

"It's okay," Jackie answered sympathetically as she sat cross-legged next to him. "You can't control the weather; besides," She looked back over to the window, "I think it's rather pretty out."

As she pulled some fuzz off her black leggings he suggested, "We could stay here for Christmas."

"You know a lot of the family will complain about the cold," Jackie warned, moving to lay out next to him.

"Yeah," Jack agreed.

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