Chapter Thirty-Nine:

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June 26th, 1964:

"It's a beautiful summer day and President Kennedy looks as good as ever," a news reporter beamed as the camera men zoomed in on Jack exiting Air Force One, waving and smiling at the people of Pittsburgh.

Jackie smiled as she looked through the open window at the T.V. set that Caroline and John were watching excitedly while she sat on the porch swing, swaying softly, with Clipper asleep underneath it.

"Accompanying him is Vice President, Lyndon Johnson, who will also be accompanying the President to Arizona and New Mexico next week," the reporter continued.

Jackie turned her attention back to the ocean in the distance as a soft breeze fluttered her hair; Clipper's ear twitched. She sighed as she rested her head back and closed her eyes; Jack wouldn't be home till after the Convention in L.A. which was the 2nd of July. She just hoped everything would run smoothly, as it had been for the most part, and that the funny feeling in her chest was nothing more than a bit of morning sickness or something.

She smiled to herself, "Jack will be alright; it's not like he's leaving for good. Jack will be back. Sometimes he's gone longer than expected but he'll come back to me. He always does."


An open-topped Lincoln convertible just pulled up to the Grand Hotel, where Lyndon and Jack would be staying, and dropped the two men off by the side doors which led into the back halls of the hotel and eventually to the large reception hall. 

 As Lyndon stepped out after Jack, his eyes scanned the crowd clambering around the building, police forces straining to hold them back.

It was just like any other crowd, just a bunch of random faces, nine out of ten happy ones, and Lyndon was just about to make his last wave before heading inside when he spotted a familiar face. 



Bobby just wrapped up a mini meeting focusing on the Civil Rights Act Jack is hoping to pass and decided to make a beeline to his office instead of heading home or elsewhere for lunch. Yesterday was busy and today would get just as hectic soon; this would be the only time he'd have the chance to read the letter Hosty somehow got to him.

Once inside, he closed the door and locked it, he wanted no one walking in on a potentially top secret letter. He got to his desk and stopped, he felt a wave of adrenaline as well as anxiety wash over him. He almost dreaded reading the letter due to what he may learn. He took a deep breath and pulled out his keys to unlock the top drawer he put the letter in for safekeeping.

As he took it out and sat down, he reached over for his letter opener and swiftly sliced the paper open. Setting the opener aside, he took out the envelope's contents, sat back, and read:

To: Robert F. Kennedy – Attorney General

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