Chapter Fifty-Seven:

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Jack found himself waking naturally at 7:00 in the morning with Jackie still sound asleep next to him; just like any other usual morning to a usual day. His first thought was about the election though and he felt a shock of anxiety ripple through him. 'Had he lost after all? If not, why was everything so quiet?'

Biting his lip, he slowly put on his robe and made his way into the sitting area to turn on the T.V. Just as he passed through the doorway, however, he heard a loud voice shout, "JACK!"

He nearly fell over as he jumped and brought his hands up into a defensive pose, his ears slightly ringing from the loud noise.

"YOU MADE IT!" The voice continued to shout and Jack slowly lowered his arms as he watched Bobby move out of the corner to greet him.

"You mean..."

"Uh-huh," Bobby grinned. "I was just about to go in and jump on your bed but then I saw you were already up so I hid instead."

"Whatever, Bobby!" Jack laughed, pushing him. "You know you would have been killed. Jackie absolutely loathes being woken up on days she can sleep in on."

"Is she still in there?" Bobby asked with a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Yeah...," Jack answered slowly. "Why wouldn't..."

Bobby suddenly took off down the hall and sprinted into their room. Jack quickly ran after, knowing exactly what his brother was about to do, but Bobby was already way ahead of him. As Jack got into his room, he watched as Bobby made a flying leap onto the bed, causing Jackie to jerk awake with wide eyes and a shriek.

"Good morning, Jacqueline," Bobby grinned from where he was lying next to her, propped up on one elbow.

"You son of a bitch," Jackie growled, grabbing his shoulders and pinning him on his back. "You're going to pay for that."

"Jesus Christ, Jackie!" Bobby laughed with a mocking tone of voice, not attempting to push her off him. "I thought this was a position you reserved for Jack!"

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