Chapter Forty-Two:

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Earlier That Day:

Oswald was down to his last three matches as he struck another one on the bottom of his shoe. As the match sparked to life and the dancing shadows of the sewer returned to his vision, Oswald continued along the edge of a deep, churning river of sewer water, careful not to slip of the narrow ledge he was balancing on, and using the pipes on the wall next to him as a railing. 

 He was used to the smell now and the sound of the flowing water and dripping pipes, an occasional vehicle rumbling loudly above him and shaking the moldy cobwebs, but when a sudden gust of cold air would push past him, he always shuddered.

He needed to get out soon, not just because he was down to, now two matches, he struck up another as he neared a corner in the sewer line, but because his imagination was beginning to run wild and he was becoming spooked. He began thinking that the cold drafts were evil spirits coming to steal his soul after the deed he just committed.

Oswald didn't believe in God but he knew that evil was a very real thing; he just never saw himself as falling into the category of being "evil". He almost wished that he kept his two cigarettes so he would have something to ease his nerves but it was too late to dwell on what he should have done; that went for everything.

Lyndon was dead, he killed him, but that was now in the past. 'I'll be my own leader,' Oswald thought to himself with blood-thirsty ambition. 'And I'll finish what we started.'

As his second match died out, he tossed it aside and was about to strike up the other one when he spotted a faint white light in the distance. He began to make his way as carefully as he could without the match, his eyes never leaving the distant light, and his feet confidently following the stone ledge. Soon he could see that the river of murky water split in two directions and there was a stone delta where the light shown down with a banded shadow.

Leaping over the right river, almost slipping on the sludge that was splashed on the delta floor, Oswald looked up to discover a street drain, a loud truck soon rumbling past it. Grabbing a wall pipe, he pulled himself up to look out; he couldn't tell where he was but the grate was loose. Dropping back down, he decided to wait until dark just in case anyone was on the sidewalk and would see him. Settling down on the slimy floor, his back to the wall, he closed his eyes and waited.


June 27th, 1964 ~ 3:45 A.M:

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