Chapter Ten:

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Jack closed his eyes as the sea breeze ruffled his hair. He would be bringing his boat back to shore soon, it was getting late, but he wanted to be alone with his thoughts for just a little longer.

He thought back to the message Jackie's Secret Service detail sent him on Saturday before Jackie left Greece for Egypt. Jack was both irritated and confused upon discovering Jackie was once again traveling with Onassis but understood the agent's words when he informed him that Lee had it set up as a "surprise" and Jackie had no part in it.

Jack liked Clint and he liked how he doesn't miss any details. Clint was the only agent Jack told to be sure Jackie didn't cross paths with Onassis and, if and when she does, to keep an extra close eye on her and Onassis.

'Jackie will be safe with Clint,' Jack reassured himself. 'He's always looking out for her, as he should, but he goes above and beyond.'

Jack found his thoughts wondering back to Dallas and how, even though he told the Secret Service to stay off the limousine so there would be nothing between him and the people, Clint still would hop on when the crowds were thicker, to protect Mrs. Kennedy...

God he missed her, and it wasn't even a week yet!

Pulling the sail so the wind would push him back to the dock, he told himself with a smile, 'Just think, she'll be back by noon tomorrow.'

A seagull cawed as if in agreement as it landed on the edge of the boat and peered at Jack curiously. He was most likely looking for bread. Jackie loved animals and would always feed the seagulls bread, especially if it had jelly on it; she hates jelly with a passion.

The seagull cocked his head almost in disappointment upon realizing he wasn't going to get any food and Jack found himself telling the bird with a sigh, "Yes, I know, I miss her too."


"I have quite a few, small, guest villas on my island," Ari said as the boat began docking at his large island. "So feel free to take your pick."

Once they were securely docked, and the loading ramp was in place, Jackie cautiously walked off and onto the exotic island; Clint and Paul flanking her closely. Normally she would want her space from her agents, but she accepted it wholeheartedly now. She didn't even need to tell them she was nervous, they already knew.

Jackie glanced at Mr. Hill thankfully and he gave her a curt nod.

"Hey, Jacks," Lee began as she walked over to her sister with a smile. "When do you plan on leaving tomorrow?"

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