Chapter Thirty-Five:

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Johnson tossed and turned all night, the phone call between him and Oswald after the Wisconsin kidnapping echoing though his subconscious:

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Lyndon growled down the line.

"Making you proud, Sir," Oswald smiled on the other end of the line.

"I have to say this was very cunning of you but this is only a temporary presidency..."

"Hopefully not for very long," Oswald replied with a sinister grin.

" or whoever have killed a Secret Service agent...they will hunt you all down. This achieved nothing. Besides, I just want John Kennedy taken out, not his whole family."

"You suddenly growing a heart?" Oswald almost sneered.

Johnson was a bit taken back. Oswald was always so respectful around him, worshiped him almost...but now...somewhere along the line he grew a pair.

When Johnson didn't answer, Oswald continued, "If the others need to go down with him, they will. YOU deserve to be President. YOU'RE the one who will make America great."

Lyndon's eyes snapped open as the last two sentences hung in the air. He sat up then and rubbed out his eyes. Oswald was right though, he will be the one who will make America great and not shy away from a Communist battle like Vietnam.

'I would have that war finished in less than two months,' he smirked to himself as he stood up with a stretch. 'My country would have stomped out Communism again and all under my control. I would be a hero in their eyes and the Domino Theory will be no more. Kennedy is foolish for keeping a distance.'

After putting on a fresh suit and quickly packing his suit case, he headed out of his room and his two agents immediately followed him down the hall and to the elevator. Lyndon looked at his watch: 8:30 A.M. He swallowed a yawn and pushed the button to take them to the ground floor. Once there, one of his agents took his small suitcase while the other followed him over to where Kennedy was speaking happily with his agent Andrew.

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