Chapter Twenty-Seven:

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Jackie blinked open her well-rested eyes and, with a small yawn, she rolled over and found herself face to face with a smirking Jack Kennedy propped up on one elbow.

"Why good morning, Mr. President," Jackie teased. "Fancy meeting you here."

Jack shook his head with chuckle before stealing a kiss off her lips, "Morning, Mrs. Kennedy; sleep well?"

"Oh yeah," she returned with a stretch. Relaxing back into the bed she added, "I have you to thank for that, don't I?"

"Anytime," Jack returned playfully staring into her eyes.

He was about to kiss her when the moment was shattered by a frantic pounding on the door and Jack immediately rolled his eyes as he reluctantly moved to get out of bed, muttering as he walked into the closet to get his robe, "Every damn time..."

"Jack!" Bobby shouted through the door, interrupting his frustrated sentence. "Jack, wake up! It's Bobby!"

"Oh, well in that case," Jack shrugged with a smirk before pouncing back onto the bed, causing Jackie to let out an amused shriek as he grabbed her.

"JACK!" She laughed as he pinned her down and began to kiss her neck. "You need to answer the door!"

"Yeah, Jack!" Came Bobby's frustrated, but slightly amused voice. "Listen to your wife!"

Jack let out a sigh, giving Jackie's neck one final nip before rolling out of bed and re-tying his robe.

As he walked to the door, Jackie got out of bed as well and headed into the bathroom.

"What?" Jack asked calmly, but with an annoyed expression as he flung open the door.

"Is it safe for me to come in?" Bobby asked. "We need to talk in private."

Jack nodded before stepping aside and allowing his brother into the room.

"If this is about a statement or my planned service for Rodger, I already know and will make a statement the hour before Rodger's service," Jack stated, but Bobby quickly shook his head and held up his hand.

"No it's about an entirely different thing," Bobby said as he closed the door behind him and brought his voice down, "Have you heard of a Lee Harvey Oswald?"

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