Chapter Fifty:

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Oswald couldn't comprehend the audacity of the man he just spoke to as he roughly hung up the phone. Returning to his apartment, seething, he chucked his coat and hat to the floor in a rage and kicked the door shut behind him.

Flopping down in a tattered arm chair, he stared at the large wall in front of him which was completely covered with sticky notes and the magazine and newspaper clippings about the Kennedys that he collected along with a bulletin board in the middle of it with a map marked with pins indicating JFK's coming campaign stops.

The more he stared, the angrier he got. Their smiling faces...their bright eyes... He was determined to take it all away.

Growling, he got up and marched over to his mini fridge. Flinging open the door, he was hoping to find a beer but it was empty; he finished the last one yesterday.

Slamming the door, Oswald found the same irritating question return to his mind, 'Why did he hang up? Did the mob abandon me?'

"Yes," he told himself roughly as he turned away from the fridge. "Well fine."

Proceeding to his desk, he continued to grumble, "I don't need their help. I don't need anyone's help! I will do this on my own. Kennedy is a fool for fighting against Communism and I intend on showing him exactly what such stupidity will cost him."


August 25th, 1964 ~ Midnight:

Bobby sat at his desk scribbling down on a piece of paper when his secretary poked her head through the door,

"Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Hoover is here as you requested."

"Thank-you," Bobby replied, looking up while thinking to himself, 'Took him long enough'. "Send him in."

She nodded and ducked back out, allowing the FBI Director to enter.

"Ah, Mr. Hoover," Bobby addressed him, straightening his papers before putting them in the top drawer. "Please take a seat."

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