Chapter Fifty-Three:

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2 Days Ago:

Uncertainty.  That word seemed to plague him more and more these days.  He's sure he's doing the right thing...well almost.  Oswald growled in frustration and glared down at the large map on his desk, as if it were to blame for all his problems; he wants more than anything to be noticed.  By the Soviets, by Castro, by everyone.  He would kill the President and then flee to Cuba but how...especially with all his ties with the island severed due to the mob staying out of contact and all of Lee's Cuban friends in jail?

He was still searching through his jumbled thoughts when a knock sounded on his door.  Lee immediately tensed up; he never had visitors, no one around here knew him...unless it was someone who knew who he really was...

The knock came again and Lee slowly rose from his desk, opening the middle drawer to draw out his pistol before approaching the door.  Looking through the peep hole, he was startled upon seeing who it was.

"Russell?" Oswald said through the door in disbelief as he unlocked it and threw it open.

"Lee!  Thank God!" Russell replied, quickly pushing past to get into the room before someone saw them.  "You're like a needle in a haystack, y'know that?"

"H-how did you get out of jail?" Lee asked, locking the door again.

"Easy," Russell smirked.  "I was never in it to begin with.  All the others got canned but not me.  Plus the President and his dame never looked to see if I was arrested with all of them, they must've just assumed I was."

"You mean they could've identified you?  They saw your face?"

"Oh yeah," Russell replied.  "And I mean I do look like their driver...handsome devil, too bad I had to pop him in the head.  They were the only two to really see me though and maybe the lady's guard dog.  Hill is it?"

Lee shrugged.

"Anyway, I've spent months trying to track you down and stay low after that winter.  Once I heard about what happened in Pittsburgh I decided to move out East and try to hunt ya down over here.  Harley's a good thing you told me about using that name otherwise I'd never find ya."

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