Chapter Seven:

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Friday, November 29th, 1963

"So much for taking it easy," Jack muttered as he leaned back in his rocker, going over some documents from Hoover and some from Bobby on another heated civil rights issue.

He looked up at Jackie's approach; she looked stunning in her baby blue dress and glinting pearls, wearing the same gold, snake bracelet she wore in Dallas and many times before. She loved it more than any other piece of jewelry Jack gave her, other than the simple gold wedding ring and the emerald eternity ring that he gave her and only took off when she would shower.

"I wish you would have been able to come with me," She told him as she grabbed her purse and leopard skin coat of the bed.

"Yeah, I know, but Hoover's pissed off and things just keep getting worse and worse down there and...," Jack began but Jackie set her things back down and stopped him.

"Don't feel like you need to explain anything to me, Bunny," Jackie told him gently as she walked over to him. "I understand."

Jack smiled up at her, grabbing one of her hands, "Thanks Kid; you really are the best, you know that?"

"Of course," Jackie smirked before taking back her hand and returning to the bed.

Jack chuckled at her response just as a knock sounded on the door.

"Yeah?" Jack called to it.

Clint then opened the door halfway and poked in his head saying, "We're all ready for you, Mrs. Kennedy."

"Thank you, Mr. Hill," Jackie told him as she put on her coat and flipped her hair out of it.

Clint nodded and ducked back out, closing the door softly.

Jack stood up slowly with a small stretch before saying, "You stay safe over there, alright?"

"Always," Jackie smiled at him, looking up from her purse after making sure its contents were in order.

"I'm serious," Jack returned, walking up to her. "You remember what I told you Monday."

"Yes," Jackie replied before hugging him. "I'll be fine though; don't worry about a thing."

"I know," he whispered as he hugged her back, burying his face in her soft hair, the smell of her perfume playing havoc with his senses.

They stood wrapped in each other's arms for a while before Jackie reluctantly pulled away and said softly, "I'll be back soon."

"I'll be seeing you later then," Jack replied before giving her a soft kiss and allowing her to head to the door.

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