Chapter Fifty-Six:

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November 1st, 1964:

The phone rang for the third time that morning and finally Jack rolled over to grab it, a groan of frustration rumbling in his throat as the sun's rays shot him in the face, adding to the rude interruption of the blaring phone.

"Yes?" Jack called into the receiver, his voice heavy with exhaustion. It was a long night last night.

"You need to get back to Washington ASAP, Sir," McNamara's voice answered with urgency.

"Vietnam?" Jack asked, figuring that had to be the motive for his Defense Secretary's call.

"Yes, Sir."

"I'll be there in less than two hours," Jack informed before hanging up the phone. Jackie, by this time, had stirred and was easing herself up into a sitting position, the bed's sheet tangled around her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her voice thick with sleep.

"Vietnam," Jack groaned, rubbing out an eye and proceeding to get the eyeliner, he didn't take off last night, on his fingers. "I need to wash up and head to Washington."

Jackie moved to get up too but Jack stopped her after pulling on his boxers, "It's 7:00; you don't need to get up. I can head over myself."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he answered, making his way into the bathroom. "When you do get up though, put my fangs in a container or something, they're on the nightstand; I want to keep them for next year."

Jackie smirked, before settling back down into the pillows, "Ok, Bunny."


"Bien Hoa," McNamara began as he pointed to a map set up in the cabinet room. "The capital city of Bien Hoa Province; located about twenty miles north of Saigon on the Dong Nai River." Lowering his pointing stick as he turned to fully face the Cabinet members he continued, "As you all know, early in the war we constructed an airfield and headquarters just outside of Bien Hoa for the military. Today we got word that in the early hours of this day the Vietcong had attacked this base. Five aircrafts have been destroyed and four Americans have been killed. Mr. President, this will be seen and is seen as an attack directly on us. We need to respond. If we're going to conduct an air war over Vietnam, we're going to need regular ground troops to defend our air bases."

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