Chapter Fifty-Two:

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Author's Note:

I'm back!!  I apologize for this extremely late update but once I returned home from vacation (the things I saw were so emotional for me; I hope to return in the near future) I found myself surrounded with errands.  I leave for college on the 17th of August so I needed to start preparing for that as well as preparing my Haunted House for the October Season, and then there's my weekend job and little hang outs with my friends before I leave for college as well.  Hahaha, so yeah I was and still am quite busy.  But despite that, I will always make time for my darling readers.  You are all so dear to me.  In college as well I will make time for you.  Updates may be slow then again they may not.  Either way, I'll still stay in this game.  Thank-you all!  Stay Classy!!

~The 13th Raven


Paris, France – 7:30 P.M.:

The Kennedys arrived at Orly Airport at 7:30 right on the dot. An enthusiastic crowd stood behind the fence line waving American flags as the President and Mrs. Kennedy descended out of Air Force One. A rather large motorcade awaited them with a sleek, black limousine at the front specifically for the Kennedys. It would take them to the Quai D'Orsay first, where they will stay in the royal suite like back in '61, before transporting them to the Élysée Palace for a dinner in their honor with President de Gaulle.

As they walked to their car waving and smiling, the crowds cried out "Vive le président Kennedy!" and "Vive Jac-qui!" It seemed like no other foreign people loved the Kennedys more than the French.

After a brief drive to their hotel, to change into dinner clothes, they made their way to the palace where de Gaulle was waiting for them outside the large doors; the streets on the way packed four-deep on each side by Parisians excitedly greeting them as they drove by and when they arrived.

"Ah, President Kennedy, welcome," de Gaulle smiled, giving Kennedy a firm handshake before turning to Jackie and continuing, "And you, Madam Kennedy," taking her hand and kissing it.

"Merci," Jackie returned with bright eyes. "On se sent bien d'être de retour."

(Thank-you; It feels good to be back)

"Oui en effet," Jack agreed, getting a somewhat surprised look from de Gaulle to which Jackie explained,

(Yes indeed)

"My husband has taken up French and is quite good for the short time he's been learning."

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