Chapter Thirty-Two:

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May 22nd, 1964~University of Michigan:


"And my intention," President Kennedy was speaking boldly to the students of Michigan University, "Is to create a Great Society by extending the American prosperity not only to the few, higher-end Americans, but to all its citizens."

Kennedy smiled down at them after finishing his speech and the crowd up-roared in applause with some hoots and hollers from the students in the back. Jackie was smiling softly from where she stood behind him and to the side, her baby-bump hidden under her long beige jacket.

As Jack went on to answering questions before he would step down and shake hands, Jackie noticed Lyndon wasn't smiling from where he stood behind Jack and across from her. Not only did she find that odd but extremely rude.

Lyndon then turned his head and caught her disapproving gaze hidden behind her smile. She looked away then just as Jack stepped back to have her walk off the stage with him to shake hands with the excited students. As she passed Lyndon she spotted what had him so annoyed, Bobby.

"Will those two ever get along?" she heard Jack whisper to her in amusement.

Jackie rolled her eyes but didn't have the chance to reply before they were being greeted by student after student.

When the last of the students were addressed, Jack and Jackie turned to head out the side doors which led into the cool afternoon of Michigan. It was spring but small snow piles still covered the ground in places.

Bobby was standing by their cars with a smug grin on his face.

"Alright, spill," Jack teased him. "What did you do this time to piss Lyndon off?"

"Walked in the door," Bobby teased back.

Jack chuckled, while Jackie looked down with a smirk, before returning, "Seriously though."

Bobby opened the back door for them and once the three of them were seated in the back, Bobby answered, "It's about Civil Rights. Lyndon knows that's MY area of expertise but yet he insists on trying to take that away from me. I was due to make an appearance before you came back the first week in May but then I came to find out he had the date changed and he made the speech. Stupid prick. So naturally I confronted him about it so now he's pissed."

"Well more than usual anyway," Jack teased reaching across Jackie to punch his brother lightly in the shoulder.

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