Chapter Twenty-Three:

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"I wish you would have been able to come with me," Jack said softly to Jackie as she tightened his tie for him and fixed his collar.

"Yeah, I know," Jackie returned as she took a step back to admire her work. "But you'll be back here before you know it. Have you said goodbye to John and Caroline?"

"Yup," Jack answered before reaching for something on his dresser. "She and John drew a picture and wanted me to take it with me."

Handing it to Jackie, he watched as she smiled down at the crayoned cat and dog running on a hill with a large sun in the top left corner. "It's cute," Jackie smiled, handing it back to him.

"They definitely have your artistic talent," Jack told her as he gently folded the drawing and slipped it into his suit pocket before checking his watch. "I got to go now," Jack said rather sadly before he stepped closer to her and brushed his lips against hers.

Jackie instantly opened her mouth to him, kissing him slowly as they laced their fingers together, locking them in place. Soon their lungs began screaming for air and they reluctantly broke away, gasping gently for air.

"I love you," Jackie breathed, staring up into his grey-green eyes, squeezing his hands tighter.

"I love you more," Jack returned, getting lost in her gaze.

"That's not possible," Jackie teased giving him another quick kiss before finally releasing his hands and taking a step back.

"Oh believe me, Jacqueline," Jack grinned. "It is."

Jackie rolled her eyes, blushing slightly, before flicking her wrist at him and smirking, "Alright, now shoo; you're going to be late."

"Okay," Jack chuckled turning for the door. "I'll be seeing you soon, Jackie. Call me."

"You better call me," Jackie told him as she watched him open the door.

"Will do," Jack nodded as he stepped into the hallway. "Later."



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