Chapter Thirteen:

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Negative. Her test turned out negative.

Jackie found Ethel in the kitchen and told her her result with both relief and disappointment. She wouldn't have minded another child, but with the reelection campaign coming up she didn't want to be pregnant because she wanted to be with her husband at all the stops, to help and support him.

Ethel hugged her and said, "I'm sorry," but Jackie quickly told her that it was alright even though she felt sorry as well.

Her stomach still churned though, almost like she had heartburn, and she felt another headache coming on so she kicked off her heels and headed out the back door that led to a wide porch looking out over the beach and black watered ocean.

The fresh air relaxed her as the cool night breeze, blowing off the ocean, ruffled her hair.  Closing her eyes, she just listened to the ocean, blocking out the sound of the party on the other side of the house.

Her heartburn slowly subsided, along with her stress, and before she knew what was happening, she felt a completely different burn as two strong arms wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her back into his chest.

"Hey, Jack," Jackie smiled as she relished in their closeness, her eyes still closed.

He pushed her hair aside and kissed her bare shoulder in response before whispering, "I missed you at the party; what are you doing out here?"

Opening her eyes, she rested her head back and sighed, "Just getting some fresh air; I didn't feel the greatest before."

"Are you alright now?" Jack asked pulling away from her neck and turning her around in his embrace to see her eyes.

Jackie shrugged, "I feel better than I was. I think I'm just tired yet from my trip."

Jack looked at her skeptically, but nodded his head anyway before saying, "You want to head back to the party, now?"

"Could we just go for a walk?" Jackie asked, brushing a stray strand of hair from her eyes. "We haven't gone for a night walk in a while; I miss it."

"Sure, whatever you want," Jack smiled at her as he took her hand and led her to the porch steps that wound down to the beach below. "And I'll try to do this more often with you."


They walked down the sparkling, moonlit sand in compatible silence for a few minutes when Jack suddenly asked, "Are you sure you're just tired?"

"Yeah," Jackie said quickly as she looked up at him, before adding as she adverted her eyes, "Well...I think that's why I'm not feeling well."

"You're sure it's not something else?" Jack asked slowly as he brought them to a halt and moved so he was standing in front of her.

"I don't know what else it could be...and honestly I'm a little nervous," Jackie said, the end of her sentence fading into an insecure mumble as she turned her attention to the dancing, glossy waves.

"Nervous?" Jack returned, his eyes clouding in concern. "What do you mean? Do you think you may be sick or..."

"Well...I thought I knew what was up," Jackie began as she returned her gaze to her husband. "But now I'm not so sure."

Jack looked blankly at her causing her to continue,

"I missed my period and thought that maybe the reason I haven't been feeling well is because I'm pregnant."


"My test turned out negative, which is kinda good because I want to campaign with you next year and support you without worrying about an unborn child. I don't want to lose another one. I can't."

Jack looked deep into his wife's dark eyes and could see the pain she held there. She's lost more kids than a mother should need to deal with, but along with that pain was strength, an enormous amount of strength.

"You won't," Jack reassured her as he squeezed her hand that he held the entire time. "And you won't lose me anytime soon either."

Jackie smiled softly at that before standing on her tiptoes and placing a quick kiss to Jack's lips. "I love you, Jack; and if anything should happen, please remember that."

"Always," Jack returned before kissing her slowly and passionately.

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