Chapter Thirty-Six:

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June 19th, 1964 ~ Fargo, North Dakota:

"What do you mean wait?" Sam growled at Lyndon over the phone.

"It's more logical this way. If we take him out after he's elected then we don't need to worry about me getting elected because I'll already be in," Lyndon returned as he glanced at his watch; he was due downstairs in 15 minutes.

"More like stalling," Sam sneered. "How do you know he'll even get reelected?"

"I've seen the papers," Lyndon answered slightly annoyed, "Jack is way ahead in almost everything."

"Well whatever," Sam grumbled. "I agreed to let you call the shots so I guess I'll just need to grin and bear."

"Thank-you," Lyndon replied, relieved that the stubborn boss wasn't going to start yet another argument. "I got to go."

"Bye," Sam replied, hanging up the phone.

Lyndon hung up his end before grabbing his suit jacket and making his way down to the reception hall.

The crowd applauded loudly as Jack finished his speech and moved away from the lectern to sit next to Lyndon at the table. His meal, however, was interrupted by Andrew quickly heading toward him with a concerned look on his face. Jack leaned toward him as he whispered something in his ear and Jack's smile instantly fell from his face as his eyes filled with fear.

"I'm leaving now," Jack told him, Andrew nodded and ran off to get a car arranged to take them to the airport ASAP.

"Mr. President?" Lyndon asked with a puzzled look as he watched Jack rise from his seat.

"Would you mind finishing this campaign trip, Lyndon?" Jack asked him quickly.

"Uh...sure-of course...wh-what's wrong, Jack?" Lyndon replied, stunned to the point he couldn't stop stuttering.

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