Chapter Forty-One:

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"Andrew?" Jack called to the door. "Dick?"

"Yes, Sir?" they replied in unison.

"Could you take me to Lyndon's room please?" Jack asked, his voice calm despite his turbulent thoughts.

"Of course," Andrew nodded.

"After, though, we'll get you to a phone," Dick began. "So you and Bobby can finally talk."

"Oh yeah, yes...thank-you," Jack nodded as he followed his two agents out of the room, one leading while the other stayed behind him.

As they walked Jack suddenly remembered something, "The governor and his wife! Are they alright?"

Dick nodded as he answered from behind, "Yes, they dove under a side table next to your head table."

Jack nodded with a small sigh, "Good."

"There's something else you should know though," Dick continued. "The security at the hotel were all replaced by impostors. But we are unsure of who. The three that checked out the balcony were real though."

Jack was unsure of how to respond. Lyndon and Oswald must have allies. He wanted to shudder at that thought.

"Here," Andrew said upon finally reaching the emergency room where Lyndon was taken.

As Jack stepped inside and his two agents took guard outside, he saw that the doctors were beginning to clear away the instruments while he heard one say they were going to phone Lyndon's wife and a mortician. After stepping aside for a priest that had just finished the last rites, Jack moved over to the table.

Seeing Lyndon lying there, his body covered by a white sheet, he couldn't help but feel satisfied in a way yet saddened. No one deserves to be ripped out of the world like Lyndon was but Jack knew that if it wasn't Lyndon it would've been him. Jack had no idea how to feel about the situation. Lyndon had wanted to back out, he just couldn't...still...he was the mastermind behind this evil scheme and would never be cleaned of that fact.

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