Chapter Twenty-One:

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January 23rd, 1964

9:00 A.M.


"Will you be joining me in the Cabinet Room today?" Jack asked Jackie as he fixed his tie in the mirror.

Looking at her reflection, he saw her look up from her book and cock her head slightly to the side as she replied, "For what?"

"Ratification of the Twenty-Fourth Amendment," Jack answered, turning away from the mirror. "It was finally completed today and I wouldn't mind at all if you wanted to join me around 11:00."

"The Twenty-Fourth Amendment is about abolishing poll taxes...right?" Jackie asked, slightly unsure as she closed her book and rose to her feet, still dressed in her light pink, floor-length nightgown.

Jack nodded as he threw on his suit jacket and Jackie walked across the room to put her book back on the shelf.

"Why'd they ever create poll taxes anyway?" Jackie questioned, sliding the book gently into place. "Doesn't that kinda get rid of the idea of 'freedom to vote'?"

Jack sniggered before answering, "Exactly. After the freedom to vote was passed, this was created as a subtle way to discriminate people and try to control who could and could not vote."

"So like if you can't pay the poll tax you can't vote," Jackie added.

Jack nodded, "Which is ridiculous and exactly why I want to get rid of the damn things; unfortunately five states still have it: Virginia, Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi; surprise, surprise."

Jackie rolled her eyes in agreement.

"But 38 other states have ratified it, which is just enough to constitutionalize it. So to hell with them," Jack finished.

Jackie smiled, "It's about time they start passing the things you want."

Jack smirked, "Tell me about it. I'm hoping my Civil Rights Act will be right around the corner."

"I have a good feeling it will be," Jackie smiled walking up to him.

"Thanks, Kid," Jack said, stealing a quick kiss off her lips before disappearing into his room. "I'll see you later tonight."

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